
granted but whenever you shapeshift a random person dies i wish that something like Sword Art Online was real

Granted, but you cant use it because whatever your devise is, it cant haddle it. ~~~~~~~~ I wish i could move

Granted. Now you can't stop --- I wish that I could understand english grammer Edited at March 24, 2022 10:41 PM by Argos

Granted, but now you can't do math for the life of you. ~~~ I wish I could play piano perfectly without practicing

Edited at March 24, 2022 10:44 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Edited at March 24, 2022 10:43 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Granted, but you have now lost your voice and only have a piano that has every word in the English language on it (my, that would be big) I wish for a perfect world

Granted, but it's full of inperfect people ~~~~~~~ I wish I wasn't bored

Granted, but you will always be hyper active and it will not pass, when you try sleeping it will take hours. --- I wish to be a massive demon character.

granted but you get killed by DOOM GUY i wish to be either DOOM GUY or MASTER CHIEF