
Stella followed loosely behind. She was taking in all the different sights and smells. The canine caught back up, having to fall back to stay next to Storm.

Storm padded intotge chicken coop and chased out the hens. He then gently placed all the eggs in a basket for his owner to pick up lager. "Come on." Storm said heading to the sheep pen. The go to let them out to pssture."

Stella watched carefully. She noticed how Storm gently grabbed the eggs in his mouth, so careful that he didnt break them. She was caught in the mment, but soon snapped out of it when Storm started to run away. "Okay, coming!" Stella dashed off after him.

"Do you want to open the gate or do you want to herd them out?" He asked stopping at the gate for the sheep pen.

Stellas heart was racing again. "I-I'll just open the gate I guess!" She finally was able to get out, replacing her fright with a grin.

Storm nodded and crawled into the pen. He herded the sheep towards the gate. "Ok go ahead and open it." He said keeping the sheep in a group.

Stella ran to the gate, jumping up. She used her nose to flip the latch. The canine then jumped a few feet back, so that she wasnt trampled.

Storm herded the sheep out of the pen to the grazing grounds. He let them start to graze as he turned back to head to the barn. "Come on now we have to make sure the cows are up so they can be milked and make sure the horses are awake cause there are some kids coming to ride today."

Stella trotted behind him. "Okay!" She had already grown a liking to everyone- andeverything that had set foot on the land. Grateful, you could say.

Storm waltzed into the barn. He then barked loudly as he walked down the aisle waking all the animals that slept in the barn including the barn cat.