
Everything made by me. 3 more added!^^ These wolves will be adopted once, first come first serve! YOU MAY NOT EDIT THEM UNLESS YOU'RE EITHER: 1. Adding their name. 2. Fixing the background. [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Female #1: SOLD [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Male #2: SOLD [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Female #3: SOLD [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Female #4: Pending [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Female #5: SOLD [Mod Edit: Removed due to AI content. AI art is not allowed] Female #6: SOLD Edited at March 10, 2025 03:32 PM by Evergreen

Paid and received so editing my post for cleanness Edited at March 10, 2025 01:38 PM by Kháos

Kháos said: Pack Number: 278635 Adopts: 1, 3, 4 and 6 please ^^ Total: 820 mush Other: Thanks so much, these are adorable :0
1 and 3 is sold, but I could do more somewhat similar to them for you! And thank you!^^


Dire Wolf Haven said: can i get female #4?
Of course! TH or Mail?^^


Wolves019 said: May I please snag #5?
Absolutely! TH or Mail?^^

May I get the rainbow chibi please?

TH please. Mine is Frost_Moon. Mush has been sent.

May I get the rainbow chibi please?