
The Dragon Halls Do Not Post please :) "Welcome to the halls" A short purple-haired girl said, "I'm the flame scribe, I organise all the dens here and take note of everyone's records whilst I'm at it. First up is our Hall of Flame. There you can see all our extra talented dragons. Heading through that you'll find all your dragons and following that to the end you'll find the Retiree Rocky-Torrs" Edited at September 21, 2024 07:28 AM by TeaBear
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Scribbles (Just any lil definitions etc.) Map Page 1: P1 || P2 || P3 || P4 || P5 || P6 || P7-10 | Welcome || Scribbles, Map || Blank Den Page || Hall of Flame || Incubation Caves || Hatchling Centre || Retiree Rocky-Torrs | Page 2: P1 || P2 || P3 || P4 || P5 || P6 || P7 || P8 || P9 || P10 | | | | | | | | Edited at September 21, 2024 08:55 PM by TeaBear
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Blank Den Page (for me to copy-paste) Name #number Den Stats: Total Dragons: - (Optional) Hatchlings and retired stats too?: Competitions Undertaken: - Races: Beauty Contests: etc Total Wins: - 1sts: 2nds: 3rds: etc. Winnings: (if in much, though probably a pain to list if its gonna be items too) Quests Undertaken: - Successful: Unsuccessful: Other?: (if they have mush to spend or whatever) Trophy Room Just list all their trophies / awards here. Can also have their preserved eggs too 1st in race x 3 <-- e.g. (maybe we can draw up simple ribbons / trophies? Storage Room Just list all their unequipped items, parts of items, maybe eggs here too? (not the ones trying to be hatched though, they can go into a hatchery section, maybe the eggs here have like an 'expiry' aka they'll only last here for so long and maybe as they deteriorate they have less viability too. Perhaps they could also be preserved as keepsakes/trophies etc.) Hatchery Here would be the info on their eggs currently in the incubation place (if you're running with that) Nesting Box 1 | Pic of egg here | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nesting Box 2 | Pic of egg here | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nursery Here would be the info on their hatchlings/juviniles if any Nest 1 - Dragon Name - Age Up: (date here) | Pic of dragon here, (maybe a baby pic? perhaps all new hatchlings all have the same base, then as they grow they start to get their unique features) | Sex: Size: (s/m/l etc. to give a suggestion at it's grown weight/height) Capabilities: (these would be bases, not increased until adult levelling, maybe as a standard all between 0-10) - Weight: (how much weight they can carry/pull) - Speed: (maybe could be three, running, flying and swimming speeds?) - Agility: Personality: Personality Points: - Confidence: (these points and things are gained from when they're a baby in those contests and stuff, maybe they all start at 0 and maybe they still have the slight chance to change depending on how a race goes or the quest etc.? maybe max out at 10? 10 being super confident, willing to give anything a go regardless of success, though a failure may potentially drop this number, but a success can raise it again. Only go up or down by 1 per thing) Equipped: List any gear or things they wear (probably can't equip saddle or adult things, but things like bows or hats could also add to beauty things too) Winnings / Places: List the races they win | Nest 2 - Dragon Name - Age Up: date | | | Dragon Dens Here would be the info on their hatchlings/juviniles if any Den 1 - Dragon Name - Level - Races till next level / 10(or how ever many is decided) | Pic of dragon here (here link to any other pics aside from the main) | Sex: Weight: (the dragons, heavier = stronger but less agile and vice versa) Height: Build: (goes In had with the above two, bulky / large / thick etc = heavy | thin, slender, fine = light) Capabilities: - Weight: (how much weight they can carry/pull) Base (from baby) + added from levels = total - Speed: (how fast they can run/fly etc, if carrying/pulling more weight than they should then this will be hindered in a race) Base (from baby) + added from levels = total - Agility: (how fast they can run/fly etc, if carrying/pulling more weight than they should then this will be hindered in a race) Base (from baby) + added from levels = total Personality: Personality Points: - Confidence: (these points and things are gained from when they're a baby in those contests and stuff, maybe they all start at 0 and maybe they still have the slight chance to change depending on how a race goes or the quest etc.? maybe max out at 10? 10 being super confident, and willing to give anything a go regardless of success, though a failure may potentially drop this number, but a success can raise it again. Only go up or down by 1 per thing. If sitting only on 1 then they will likely refuse to do something asked of them. aka maybe won't take off at the race start. Won't take a danger turn on a quest) Equipped: List any gear or things they wear / have Winnings / Places: List the races they win and places - Running: 1st: 2nd: 3rd: Bloodlines: - Parents: Sire - Owner| Dam - Owner - Grandparents: Grandsire - Owner | Grandam - Owner - Offspring - Owner | Den 2 - Dragon Name - Level | | | Edited at September 21, 2024 09:04 PM by TeaBear
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Incubation Caves Walking into a large, slightly darkened cave you can see various nests and things some with eggs, some without, some new and some old. "Hello, I'm the Egg Hatcher," A young boy with brown eyes said as he gently checked on an egg nearby. "Do you have any eggs you want me to take care of? I only have a limited number of spaces I am sorry." - Link to the breeding centre here - Nesting Box 1 - Empty | Pic of egg here | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nesting Box 2 - Empty | Pic of egg here | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nesting Box 3 - Empty | | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nesting Box 4 - Empty | | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Nesting Box 5 - Empty | | Viability of success: Hatch Date: Sire: Name - Owner Grandsire: Name - Owner Dam: Name - Owner Granddam: Name - Owner Species: (if known, add %, if not properly tested then just their types, e.g. Fire or fire x water. Unknown if not known (aka rare new, or just complete random etc.)) | Edited at September 21, 2024 09:10 PM by TeaBear
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Hatchling Center Walking into the Hatchling Center a pair of small dragons chase each other straight over your feet. Without stopping the continue their chase across the room. "Hello again," the small boy from the Hatchery spoke again, "Come to play with the babies again?" - Edited at September 21, 2024 09:09 PM by TeaBear
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Edited at September 21, 2024 08:48 PM by TeaBear
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(additional space for Torrs) Edited at September 21, 2024 07:32 AM by TeaBear
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(additional space for Torrs) Edited at September 21, 2024 07:32 AM by TeaBear
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(additional space for Torrs) Edited at September 21, 2024 07:32 AM by TeaBear
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