
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Haaaalll they all look gorgeous ;A; Taiiii ~kyun~

Oh my goodness I adore that cat piece *^*

Hallbjorns said: Oop, it's been a long while haha. I haven't been drawing that much since, but I have been getting back into art a tad, so here a couple of my latest experiments ~ All (c) 231177
Oh my lord, I love these, I especially love the top two ones. *^*

Ajsjav- yall are far too kind <333 ChickenChu Thank you <333 I've loved looking through your recent pieces ~ Feiella Haha, yesss. I'm starting to feel a bit more comfy with drawing cats. Less so front facing, but we're getting there ~ Obscurity We love Tai 🥺 Polareist Ahh, my texture has a long way to go against your gorgeous shading but I'll certainly do my best to keep developing it :0 I am kinda liking the style thus far haha Boundles Ahhh ;w; thank you. Given cats aren't my strong point. Hearing that from you is 🥺 Spring Spark Aww thank you. Given the top two are the most recent, I am quite enjoying the style 🥺 Edited at February 13, 2021 12:35 PM by Hallbjorns

A little piece of my Hyena, Totti to make up for my lack of affections ahah (c) 231177

Aww Totti looks adorable bro <3


Game Moderator Darkseeker

Given I'll be busy with revision, I'll still try and do art every day or two haha. These newer ones go from more recent to later, all OCs owned by their respective owners of course ~ I'm enjoying this style though, albeit I definitely to work on backgrounds more All (c) 231177

Game Moderator Darkseeker