
saratank said: I am going to message the person who asked about Lead Hunter since they havent signed up yet and see whats up, other than that, I THINK we should be able to start soon. (Maybe 1-2 more trainees?)
If we need a healer I can create one of I'm aloud to make a 3rd one

You can make as many as you want, BUT to start I only want 1 high rank per person. (And healer has been claimed. I was waiting for them to make their other wolf.)

I just seen that someone made it but I can't wait to start

both rin and asuna can be mates or crushes of anyone elses wolves

I'm gonna let my wolves pick there other half in the rp

If we start this week, I might not be able to be super active for the first few days, just a heads up!

I tend to not handle lots of characters well in fast-paced RPs, but if there is a very much dire need then I'll make one of the aforementioned ranks that aren't high.

I'm wondering who should be the 1st of my characters to die

Oop. Can't help you there, but I can plot death scenes
