
Oop lol I'll fix it Also I think that would help, so that it's not just an 'invisible' character Boeing said: @Rogue You might have accidentally double-posted >.> And I think Fenrys is just going to observe from the sidelines with a hostile glare But if you need it... I might be able to play as Alpha for a bit. I'm not going to create a full fledged character sheet for it but I can create the skeleton and just work off that for a bit if you need to

I get what you mean. I'm feeling the same thing >.> I'm going to draft out a skeleton of a sheet. Bear in mind it's most definitely not my best work because I'm not going to put too much effort into it, ack It's not going to be too lon either. It's going to be the bare necessity because he's going to be a disposabld character that I'll only post with when I need to That sound good with y'all?
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I was thinking I could just post with Matzaka only when I need to (kind of like now really), for the rest of the time I don't entirely mind ic he's abit of an NPC :P
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That's fine. He's probably going to be inside of his den most of the time picking who's going to go on the expedition. Speaking of which, Arrow and Matzaka need to talk about that. Any volunteers? Boeing said: I was thinking I could just post with Matzaka only when I need to (kind of like now really), for the rest of the time I don't entirely mind ic he's abit of an NPC :P

Also Boe, that is NOT a skeleton for a character!! XD

Rogue Whispers said: Also Boe, that is NOT a skeleton for a character!! XD
It is though 💀 It's barely developed I pretty much just wrote a 300 word backstory and added in a few personality traits
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Anywaay back to your original question I'd assume Fenrys and one of the heirs would be part of this expedition. Rogue, maybe yours? Considering Matzaka's personality I'gave him, honestly I wouldn't be suprized if he just discussed it a bit with Arrow and just made an executive decision about it though
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Maybe. But I think having Tmber and Fenrys together would work, too. I want to ask Bobcat if they are fine with Nightingale going. That leaves one more slot open, and I'd like it to be a female... Boeing said: Anywaay back to your original question I'd assume Fenrys and one of the heirs would be part of this expedition. Rogue, maybe yours? Considering Matzaka's personality I'gave him, honestly I wouldn't be suprized if he just discussed it a bit with Arrow and just made an executive decision about it though
