
I just took two one year olds and an infant to run some errands because it's the coolest day this week and that was the shittiest idea of the century But on the bright side, they're sleeping like rocks now _Moonshadow_ said: Ignore my prior statement, the power has been restored so how is everyone this fine afternoon

Lmfaoooo. I suppose that buys you some form of relaxation/unwind time. Mother said: I just took two one year olds and an infant to run some errands because it's the coolest day this week and that was the shittiest idea of the century But on the bright side, they're sleeping like rocks now _Moonshadow_ said: Ignore my prior statement, the power has been restored so how is everyone this fine afternoon
Edited at July 16, 2024 07:39 PM by Sanania

Alrighty the girls backstories are slightly renovated and affiliations updated.~

I took a nap too 😂 Sanania said: Lmfaoooo. I suppose that buys you some form of relaxation/unwind time. Mother said: I just took two one year olds and an infant to run some errands because it's the coolest day this week and that was the shittiest idea of the century But on the bright side, they're sleeping like rocks now _Moonshadow_ said: Ignore my prior statement, the power has been restored so how is everyone this fine afternoon

Love to hear it Mother said: I took a nap too 😂 Sanania said: Lmfaoooo. I suppose that buys you some form of relaxation/unwind time. Mother said: I just took two one year olds and an infant to run some errands because it's the coolest day this week and that was the shittiest idea of the century But on the bright side, they're sleeping like rocks now _Moonshadow_ said: Ignore my prior statement, the power has been restored so how is everyone this fine afternoon

Well I had an interesting start ta my day. I went ta feed much chickens only ta spy a baby upside down in the corner of the room. I did not expect them ta already be hatching-
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High Hills Pack said: Well I had an interesting start ta my day. I went ta feed much chickens only ta spy a baby upside down in the corner of the room. I did not expect them ta already be hatching-
Fresh chicken nuggets :0

Not me actively eating a chicken nugget as we speak. Matunda said: High Hills Pack said: Well I had an interesting start ta my day. I went ta feed much chickens only ta spy a baby upside down in the corner of the room. I did not expect them ta already be hatching-
Fresh chicken nuggets :0

XD He was fluffy too, so he'd been out for a while. I believe I saw at least one more hatching when I put him back in the nest. So I'll be keeping an eye on them. Matunda said: High Hills Pack said: Well I had an interesting start ta my day. I went ta feed much chickens only ta spy a baby upside down in the corner of the room. I did not expect them ta already be hatching-
Fresh chicken nuggets :0
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I just want to let everyone know that I'll be on but working on something, so if you need me for anything Pm me, as I likely wont notice it in Discussion from here on out for a bit ^^