
Yes, does Night pack work for you? Maybe the majority of Night Pack can be one of the lead instigators of the coalition?

Red Moon said: Yes, does Night pack work for you? Maybe the majority of Night Pack can be one of the lead instigators of the coalition?
Sure. Would you want me to work on the lore/reason of the coalition?

I believe we discussed that it was just old bad blood from way long ago or something? Or perhaps the coalition leader just thought it was worth the risk of poking around? Maybe they are just power-hungry and decided going after the Shadowbane wolves would be favored by the other packs as well? And they assumed the other packs might side with him? Just ideas :)

The way I didn't realize the RP had started 😭


I will probably have them come into the gathering in my next post or so...

I would have written another RP thing, but I've literally said pretty much all I can while still being in the treeline. I might be able to put together another 200 or so words, but I've pretty much said all I can - when are we going to exit the treeline? Because my hands are kinda tied in this RP until we do
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Yeah I understand. I will have Hawk's next post be about exiting. So within the next day or so I will move the RP along.

That's good with me, I'll probably delay my RP post until we get something worth writing about (leaving treeline)
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Yeah, no worries. If theres no reason to post, don't feel pressured to do so as long as you are active and posting every couple days or so...? Or at whatever pace the RP is currently at. I will write up a post now to get it moving again :)