
ScardeyKat said: Ayeee :D - Also, I forgot to add that Enika is open for affiliations!
Since it mentions she is loyal to coven I think it would make sense to have some established dynamic between her and Ash. Since it seems like Enika has been a part of coven for a longer time I think it would make sense to have them be friends and training buddies with fights outcomes being 50/50 (Enika has more raw strength, but her leg probably hinders her agility and Ash is more of a nimble and fast attacker, confusing opponent to find their weak spots before getting close and kicking). Ash would not aim at her old wound in friendly fights thou. I can also picture Ash tagging along with Enika to gym sometimes or a restaurant with blonde being bit of a menance at times, trying to get Enika to come out of her shell and try something new, meet new people. I forgot to mention, but Ash is that annoying kid that never admits defeat even when it is obvious-so Enika can either roll with it or get annoyed so Ash tries to apologize to her later with gifts or something-I'd advise you to not have her get mad every time, because according to their personalities they would spar often which would mean they have this little dance maybe too often for it too not strain freindship beyond normal, but Enika can sometimes let it go, but blow up every once in a while about how childlish Ash is being. Ash is not one for romance, but feel free to have one-sided pinning :'3 *thumbs-up* leaving this one up to you since there is no lack of vampires to pick from in this RP if you want fruitful relationship, but if you want to have something bit tragic I guess having long time secret crush on Ash could be it (it would not neccessarily be disrespectful of Ash's orientation cause it is not something she talks about often, more so only to anyone who tries to start anything with her. Ash does not label herself in converastions either so it can be easy to misunderstand unless she is being serious and straight to the point about it which is probably only when turning someone down). This tragic crush does not have to exist for whole of RP, there can be a moment when Enika decides to stop hoping and try to open herself to other opportunities; cue a cute vampire sweeps her off her feet <3

Or two of them can be at tenser terms (ex-friends or just uncomfortable from the start cause they are both too competitive and prideful), tolerate each other because of loyality to coven, but otherwise kinda mean to each other in small gestures and one-liners. If coven leader wants things to work out she better put someone as meditator in room with Enika and Ash.

Kanza said: Lulu is open for affiliations as well ^^
A friendship with Yuchi? Though I'd like to know more about why Lulu does not have education since Yuchi is a chemistry student, pretty talented one too, so I assume she would try to help Lulu study at least something, no need for high-school, but some basic math at least. Yuchi dislikes lazy people, but I suppose they can look it over with Yuchi only complaining when she notices something, she knows Lulu is lazy on subconcious level, but turns the blind eye because I think their energies could bounce off of each other nicely :3 Let me know what you think about it though ^^

Oh my gosh I actually love that :0 And I'm all for the one-sided interest. Adds a little spice to the RP lol. Could give Enika some character growth as well. And I see Enika being a patient person with Ash, but she could get pushed to the limit maybe once lol. I think Enika realizing Ash doesn't feel the same way could get a bit of drama in there and then make her pick her head up and be more open to others, like character development >:3 Written The Wolf said: ScardeyKat said: Ayeee :D - Also, I forgot to add that Enika is open for affiliations!
Since it mentions she is loyal to coven I think it would make sense to have some established dynamic between her and Ash. Since it seems like Enika has been a part of coven for a longer time I think it would make sense to have them be friends and training buddies with fights outcomes being 50/50 (Enika has more raw strength, but her leg probably hinders her agility and Ash is more of a nimble and fast attacker, confusing opponent to find their weak spots before getting close and kicking). Ash would not aim at her old wound in friendly fights thou. I can also picture Ash tagging along with Enika to gym sometimes or a restaurant with blonde being bit of a menance at times, trying to get Enika to come out of her shell and try something new, meet new people. I forgot to mention, but Ash is that annoying kid that never admits defeat even when it is obvious-so Enika can either roll with it or get annoyed so Ash tries to apologize to her later with gifts or something-I'd advise you to not have her get mad every time, because according to their personalities they would spar often which would mean they have this little dance maybe too often for it too not strain freindship beyond normal, but Enika can sometimes let it go, but blow up every once in a while about how childlish Ash is being. Ash is not one for romance, but feel free to have one-sided pinning :'3 *thumbs-up* leaving this one up to you since there is no lack of vampires to pick from in this RP if you want fruitful relationship, but if you want to have something bit tragic I guess having long time secret crush on Ash could be it (it would not neccessarily be disrespectful of Ash's orientation cause it is not something she talks about often, more so only to anyone who tries to start anything with her. Ash does not label herself in converastions either so it can be easy to misunderstand unless she is being serious and straight to the point about it which is probably only when turning someone down). This tragic crush does not have to exist for whole of RP, there can be a moment when Enika decides to stop hoping and try to open herself to other opportunities; cue a cute vampire sweeps her off her feet <3

Hmm, it might be time to make the roleplay thread :0
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Ayo *^* I'm currently in the middle of moving back home for the summer, so it miiiight take me a while to get a response up when the thread is up :0

No worries! I'll probably procrastinate on putting it up :'D
I also totally spaced that uh, imma be gone for like 35 days here soon. The ship is going out to sea one last time before we deploy later this year. The roleplay is horrible timing on my part xD
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I'll also be kinda fogged next week (if it's up then) and the week after due to some trips. (Just FYI incase)

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
LMAO VOX, yeah absolutely perfect timing of course, of course. That's how roleplays always go for real, you manage to get one started riiiight before you're not available or crazy busy.

I might get lucky and be able to hop on when the ship is out at sea, but the internet is super limited (from what I've heard) and I wouldn't be able to post until after 6pm gametime :0
That's based on whether or if I get put on day shift and not night shift though xD Edited at June 10, 2023 02:32 PM by Voxtexy
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