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Oh I can't wait for that Freedom said: That will also probably cause Clovis some inner conflict, as Bastien is going to be a little jerky to Daemon. Maybe he'll have to be nice now to get on Clovis's good side :)

Inner conflict I like this Might write a book

I'm sorry I have been active here . I'll get the RP thread done soon :))

Freedom said: So, just to make sure, this group is already all together when they recieve the text, right? And which state are they in?
Louisiana I believe? It's nearby ish Texas.

Freedom said: Well, in the description it says they're 552 miles from Texas. Nevada, at closest, is about 800 miles. Oregon is much farther. I imagine for the distance to work they'll have to be in a state one or two over from Texas. So New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, or Alabama.
It's all up to you guys :))

Freedom said: I'll just assume the group is all together. That makes more sense, right, rather than them all meeting and happening to have gotten the same text?
Ye they are in the group newly together form small groups and a couple of individuals like my lovely little JJ unless someone wants to have been with him because they found each other :))) gradually they formed a group of little survivorss Edited at May 10, 2023 05:00 PM by Pastry Lord

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Lol. Blake is just going to be sitting in a corner scribbling down all the tea in his journals.

The way Clovis is going to have her hands full with Deamon, Bastien, and Blake is amazing XD