
Okay so I have a question and sorry for bothering you all with these questions but this is the last ones I promise- What accents does each region or area have? Do people in the capital speak with a more British accent while people in the Paro region speak with an Irish accent or people in the Quinn area have an Italian accent? Also, what kind of money do they use? Is it shillings, DnD style gold system, or something else?

These magical creatures are wonderful. I especially love the cheating pig :) And My Die is a great addition as well. Perhaps there's a small, unassuming creature that rolled so badly on My Die that one of the gods took pity on it and gave it a power or ability to defend itself. Or they blessed it with their protection, so even though it's tiny and really hard not to kill on accident, to kill one means the wrath of the gods. It could just be something like a tiny furry blob. Yollton sounds good to me too! I might do some backstory on their first encounter in my first post - stuff like how they met, how Bjorn reacted to everyone, and why Bjorn chose to accompany them. If anyone wants to work out initial reactions/interactions with me, feel free to. Otherwise I'll just describe how Bjorn treated them initially. Also, I think it starting out with all of them having a drinking contest and getting half-drunk (or extremely drunk) is a beautiful idea. As for the accents, I kind of imagined that each place had a unique accent that bore some similarities to the accents of our world but weren't totally placeable. Perhaps if people have ideas of what sort of accent they think their character would have, we could just cross-reference those? For instance, I imagined Bjorn with something like a Romanian accent, and he's from the Suca area. I don't know about money, I think I should let Argos have their say before I make suggestions on that one.

Determined_Wolf, I love your questions! They help with world building so much and I hadn't even thought about money or accents! --- I like Freedom's idea about cross referencing the accent that they think their characters would have. Reading August's quote, I hear a light british accent mixed with my terrible english accent. At school, he's used to hearing different accents from everywhere (and he kept to himself a lot), so I'm gonna assume that his accent came from home and he's probably from Paro. --- Currency:
5 Brass Buttons equal 1 Copper Button 5 Copper Buttons equal 1 Silver Button 2 Silver Buttons equal 1 Gold Button
1 Brass Buttons is about $2 1 Copper Button is about $10 1 Silver Button is about $50 1 Gold Button is about $100
Buttons look exactly like buttons except they are heavier. They are not made of actual brass, copper etc. Brass Buttons are colored brown. Copper are colored green. Silver is colored blue and Gold is colored gold. Mages make these colored by their magic (a very unglorious task that they have to be specially trained at). The actual material is plain metal. People usually scratch at their coins to make sure that the coloring of them weren't painted on. One side of the button has a mini map of Tetra on it and the other side says: History, Honesty, Honor in straight lines. Edited at March 13, 2022 09:25 PM by Argos

When reading Nic's quote... it kinda makes me think of Jon Snow (with a slightly higher voice) that sounds more scottish. Though maybe that's just me, and I can explain it because his mother was really from the north- what do you guys think for Nic's accent? Edited at March 13, 2022 09:01 PM by Ebanon

Hmmm, maybe his accent is a little softer than Jon Snows'?

Flower- Yeah, I was thinking so! I don't know any sort of other accents like it to base Saber on, so just basing it off of Snow seems to work- Argos- what if it was like the fifties, where people in general earned less? i.e. it would be very rare for a peasant worker to see a gold button, much less come near it unless they worked for the lords and ladies of court. They might get lucky to touch one even once, unless they were thieves-

Ebanon, I like the idea of Nic having a scot-like accent. I also like the 50s idea. I'll think about it later, however, as I'm about to go to bed. Edited at March 13, 2022 09:43 PM by Argos

Ooo I love the buttons idea! I also like the Paro area having a blend of British and Irish while Quinn or the area inbetween Paro and Quinn having a Scottish accent. What about the other two regions though? Ebony I love that idea with the 50's style economy! There could even be an organization or something that works to provide jobs or food to the needy brought to them through the government. Maybe the organization is really corrupt as well which would be fairly interesting. This is the last thing I promise but don't blame me for getting easily distracted and thinking of random things- In medieval times, people couldn't drink water because it was often polluted and carrying diease and milk often went bad; because of that, many poorer people just drank ale instead. So mages are special and awesome right? What if rich people hired them to chill milk or other goods? That way, they would be seen as powerful or wealthy if nobility walked around with milk mustaches. This is entirely random but ta-da! Edited at March 14, 2022 06:58 PM by Determined_Wolf

Question from me, do magic items exist?

Me *hides from responsiblity* --- Determined_Wolf, so the other two regions' accents are sort of based off of the accent that you imagine your charcters. Since Tetra isn't real, we're just gonna generalize. I also love your milk-mustache comment and I think we should do it if the others are in. I might also need to change August's appearance if we do it XD --- Flower Field, only in lore, high class society and maybe the mage school. You can't buy a magical item, but very, very few amount could be out on a black market.