Maxi: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and…
Tory: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Maxi: Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…
Garvin: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
Hikaru: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Maxi: I don't know how to do that.
Tory: I don't wear a watch.
Garvin: Time is a construct.
Garvin: I’m a fool, not an idiot.
Tory: Did you win? Or just not die?
Tory: Either way, hooray.
Garvin: ...Is "no" a valid answer?
Tory: The hooray is redacted and you frighten me.
Garvin: What makes a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Garvin: A stab wound.
Garvin: Hikaru likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Maxi: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Garvin: That's because she's a prostitute.
Hikaru: But seriously, what is the real plan here that has to do with not fucking around?
Garvin: There is no plan that does not involve fucking around. But we will make sure all of our fucking around will be applied in a constructive direction.
Garvin: Maxi, I am nothing if not a man of principle.
Garvin: Now let’s break into this apartment.
Garvin: If you see me talking to myself, go away! I’m self-employed and we’re having a staff meeting!
*Maxi dies in a game with ships*
Tory: This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us.
Tory: The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury.
Garvin: Legend has it that Maxi still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking drinks.
Maxi: Of course I do.
Hikaru: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
Garvin: Damn, if people did that to each other, Tory would've killed me years ago.