
Sksksksksk im am SO stoked for this - also. No ReAsOn FoR aSkInG, but what do y'all think of the name Capri (Pronounced like the Italian place) Estella as a girl baby name 😋

The Tea Drinkers said: Sksksksksk im am SO stoked for this - also. No ReAsOn FoR aSkInG, but what do y'all think of the name Capri (Pronounced like the Italian place) Estella as a girl baby name 😋 So cute! Kinda sounds like capri sun, a juice box brand.

Teehee good good 😈 Bobcat said: The Tea Drinkers said: Sksksksksk im am SO stoked for this - also. No ReAsOn FoR aSkInG, but what do y'all think of the name Capri (Pronounced like the Italian place) Estella as a girl baby name 😋 So cute! Kinda sounds like capri sun, a juice box brand.

The Tea Drinkers said: Sksksksksk im am SO stoked for this - also. No ReAsOn FoR aSkInG, but what do y'all think of the name Capri (Pronounced like the Italian place) Estella as a girl baby name 😋
That's friggen adorable 😍


Nngggh Should I make some art for the RP >.< The temptation...

Well that name got a superb reception 😈😈

Are you kidding me? Of course you should :0 ScardeyKat said: Nngggh Should I make some art for the RP >.< The temptation...

Yess I love when people do that, I did a dragon roleplay where they were making memes with the dragons x3 ScardeyKat said: Nngggh Should I make some art for the RP >.< The temptation...

oh my sweet lord, the amount of brain power and energy i'm about to invest in this is unrivaled until now