

Thats good, thats good. I hope it stays that way :)

Thank you, Impish I'll shall fuel you brain with energy

It's ok, learned that my entire Winter Feed for all my sheep is not coming in, so kinda stressed a bit but otherwise, it's alright. Imperial Sands said: How is everyone's day?
How about yours?

Wish I could say it was a good day, but I cannot. My supposed best friend has apparently ghosted me, without even the vaguest of explanations. I'm curious to know what I've done apparently in the 25 days I haven't talked to her [because she needed space because her awful ass boyfriend and her broke up] to make her decide that our friendship just isn't worth it to her. Which, this isn't anything new necessarily, this has been my life for the past like week or less, but I found some information today that pretty much confirms it within a shadow of a doubt.

Oh... I am so sorry Imperial. I can't even fathom what you are going through- I could never imagine losing my best friend, it would hurt my heart even to think about it. But actually going through it? I'm so sorry Imperial. Sending you happy thoughts and hugs. Edited at September 27, 2022 11:36 AM by Covidic

Thank you, I appreciate it. I probably should have seen it coming because she's treated me like shit for the past like 6 months and I just kept making excuses for her. But now I see she was really just my friend when it was convenient for her. Anytime she needed me I was there, didn't matter what or when. When I needed her though? She was too busy, she was dealing with something, she would talk to me later [and then never did]. So I probably should have realized, but I never wanted to believe someone who meant that much to me would hurt me like that.

Maybe it is for the best. As painful as it may sound, maybe this is for the best. If she can't bother to treat you with the love and respect you deserve, then I don't think she deserves you. I can't express how sorry I am that you have to go through this... this is something no one wishes to endure, and unfortunately you have. I don't have any worthy advice, or words that can help, but I am here for you.

That's how I'm trying to look at it. Probably the hardest thing is the fact that her and I share a base friend group for gaming. I don't really care if she's around, I don't have to be friends with her or interact with her, but I have no intention of leaving my other friends because of this. But I have no doubt she's going to try and pull them with her because she done it before with other people. But if I lose them, I suppose that would be for the best too.

Working on my character art for Deimos. <3 Anyone want a peek? Edited at September 28, 2022 03:35 PM by Cereal