
Makes sense, good luck 🫡 - Osbeorn really do be like- "I'm going to carve out all of your arteries and veins, it'll be hilarious."

Trials were added, got a bit tired so there's only the nobles and royals, with one general one. (We're RPing as royals and nobles so I didn't add more work for myself) There's a general idea of what happens, a section of a little bit more insight and yeah :P Linked on the first page @Overthink, For our guys I think we'd need to figure out what terrain and camp they went to, but it'd be fun either way ✨ I assume Eyzara had to hold Osbeorn back from a blood bath lol
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Love all the information- Eyzara definitely had to hold Osbeorn back from just, like, committing total genocide. Osbeorn is ready to kill. Redcap bloodlust knows no bounds, even with him only being, like, 45% Redcap haha- No clue for what terrain they would've faced, I'm sure they would've dominated no matter what.

Absolutely I like the idea of them having to be in a tundra terrain, or a foresty one
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Oooo Both of those ideas are great I'm partial to whichever would have more trees (so probably forest) because the idea of Osbeorn going tree to tree to kill people is hilarious.

"Why can't you just walk on the ground and knock 'em over like a normal person? 🤨" -Eyzara, sometime during the trial
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XD "Because jumping on them from tree branches is more fun. Plus, like, no one ever looks up. They're more likely to look behind them than above them. Can't let them see me before it's too late. That just wouldn't do." - Osbeorn

The amount of fun they'd have though *^*
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Oh for sure Bloodiest, funnest trials ever with those two teamed up haha

"‘Remember that time we nearly drowned in blood?’" Everyone in the room just stares at them while they laugh- I'm so tempted to make the RP thread >.> I have nothing else to do lol
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