
They both can have it if you would like :) Pink Floral Cavern said: Would it be okay if my hunter also has Charmer? Or perhaps would you rather have someone else have the chance to use it? Figured I'd ask considering Freya and Freyr are siblings.
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Thank you! I'll finish the form around tomorrow!

Hello! I haven't been able to be on for more than a couple minutes for the past week or so, so I wanted to say hi while I had a chance today :)


Hey, I'm having issues with my computer, so I might not be able to RP or write as substantially for a while. Sorry guys!

I'm excited, but I'm late for a clinic, and I have to dash
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So sorry I've been gone! I'll finish up that pup form


All right, just post when you can ^^ Red River Wolves said: Hey, I'm having issues with my computer, so I might not be able to RP or write as substantially for a while. Sorry guys!
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Heyo people, I'd like some posts up when possible! I'll be doing my elder and hunter here tonight or tomorrow but we have a few of you who haven't posted yet :")
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