
Imperial Sands said: Listen. If Talvi had been there. She would have. If Mal was in this Rp she would march up to her with her short little leggies and be like "Stop scaring my babies!" And then proceed to get eaten. Matunda said:
She's over here just like "These are all of our children" to Aegon, who's just like: "??? These are all grown ass dragons?" "Our babies."
Viscus just casually being adopted when she's an adult instead of when she was a child when she actually needed to be adopted 😭

To allow or not to allow one extra rider as the unfortunate soul that might get to be chosen by Beo XD

Imperial Sands said: To allow or not to allow one extra rider as the unfortunate soul that might get to be chosen by Beo XD
To allow.


If we fill up on riders, I think I would allow someone to try and claim the angry boy. I make 0 promises though.

Imperial Sands said: If we fill up on riders, I think I would allow someone to try and claim the angry boy. I make 0 promises though.
Poor angry boi and Desmodus would be best friends xD

I don't think Beo is the type to admit his affections aloud for anyone other than K'issuk, but this is likely. He'd at least Tolerate him, which is about as close to friendly as you can get with Beo. Matunda said: Imperial Sands said: If we fill up on riders, I think I would allow someone to try and claim the angry boy. I make 0 promises though.
Poor angry boi and Desmodus would be best friends xD

I don't know- Desmodus can rage pretty bad sometimes xD Imperial Sands said: I don't think Beo is the type to admit his affections aloud for anyone other than K'issuk, but this is likely. He'd at least Tolerate him, which is about as close to friendly as you can get with Beo. Matunda said: Imperial Sands said: If we fill up on riders, I think I would allow someone to try and claim the angry boy. I make 0 promises though.
Poor angry boi and Desmodus would be best friends xD

Should I make the DILF , my boy Max's shitbag of a dad

I don't think the age parameters would allow for an Outpost Rider to be old enough to be an Apprentice's dad. Spellbound said: Should I make the DILF , my boy Max's shitbag of a dad