
That might be necessary, I didn't think of that, lol. The coalition will probably just have a leader(if you want, that can be you, Nirvana_Sky), and if the plot develops, maybe the leader can chose a "2nd in command" at some point. But I think it should be a new development so its still in the early stages of a coalition. Additionally, if yall can kinda add in the "rank" section if your Dawn/Night/Moon wolf is in the coalition, that would be great :) If your Dawn/Night/Moon wolf is not in the coalition, their loyalties then can be more "neutral" or maybe "pro ShadowBane" if they think the coalition is in the wrong. Thanks!

On another note, I am looking for some affiliations with my characters. Zoran - shadowbane warrior - handsome boy who is kinda blunt, friendly, cunning, flirt, and genuine deep down Hawk - Shadowbane alpha - outside layer is scary and dominant kinda, strategic, but deep down he can be affectionate and caring... but thats very deep down lol. To friends I would imagine he can occasionally joke around, etc. Nirvana - member of moon pack(will NOT be coalition, more neutral initially) - independent, free, playful, witty, mischevious.

I will place my villian guy.. I'm trying to hunt down a stock image for him on DA. And I may put a cute little summary for each of my characters..

Heads up, I won't be active again till sunday most likely. I can check in with PMs and accepting characters still(hopefully).

Okay, I am thinking I will start the thread soon... And due to the number of people who are currently signed up, maybe we take like, a medium-sized group RP approach?

Awesome. Sorry for dropping a bad guy in. I may have to make a whole new character and I don't want to use him in two different roleplays because he is being a bad guy in one. And I don't wanna have a mix up


RP thread has been made, still working on intro posts.. Also, High Warrior is open for Shadowbane, anyone wanna promotion? lol

maybe everest? If you think her character may be a good fit.

Sorry for the lack of activity, I'll be on tonight to post/plot more 😫 the week has been hectic