
The Tea Drinkers said: i think they could definitely be a match! maybe just see wwhere it goes and haave them start as frinds? also babe. her themesong? BEAUTIFUL!!! <333
Haha, thanks. And sounds good with me! I can see her being more of a person being there any time he needs to speak with someone- if he decides to at least.

oh my word i just noticed all my spelling errors 🖐️😭

omg i just got an idea for bodhi drama does someone wanna hear

Yes!! The Tea Drinkers said: omg i just got an idea for bodhi drama does someone wanna hear

Spill the tea :> The Tea Drinkers said: omg i just got an idea for bodhi drama does someone wanna hear

Do you think Enika and Mavis would be friends/dormmates? _snapdragon said: i'm looking for any affiliations for mavis (freshman)

The Tea Drinkers said: omg i just got an idea for bodhi drama does someone wanna hear
Oh yes 😯

What? The Tea Drinkers said: omg i just got an idea for bodhi drama does someone wanna hear

Y'all when I say I am ANTSY for the beginning of this RP you don't even know

Real I've been so excited for it The Tea Drinkers said: Y'all when I say I am ANTSY for the beginning of this RP you don't even know