
oh shit. Hark! Twas it truly the hour of thine return? The bell rung once, but the night est young. Bearing a woeful return of mine gleeful antics, a brandished word, sharpened upon whetstones. I shall aroint thee of mine own joys, strike them down with more tenacity than Lady Macbeth and her own child. Bash them frightfully, yet distinguished! Twas once spoken by a wise fellow, "...Children art cruel, and I am endowed the spirit of mine own innermost child". Twas fun to torment thee, dearest Partner of the written word. Pardoned yee art! Relieved of thine duty of befuddlement, mine amusement sated.

Do you read a lot of Shakespeare-
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Disney.exe said: Do you read a lot of Shakespeare-
... How ever could thee have figured? No, not much, but I find it hilariously entertaining because of how bad yet great it is. Early Modern English is a treasure.

... If you wanted me to go utterly bonkers, I would have went the Canterbury Tales route and not only have archaic nonsense, but everything would have been spoke in rhymes.


Fancy, Reading that is a grind.

Yup XD King, do you have a ToyHouse? Just generally curious-


Alllrighty Lysander is up for crushes and the like. I may fill out his personality later but that's the basics of what you need to know.

Omg why can I see the first time he meets Ravyn he's just like lowkey afraid of her because of her name Edited at March 31, 2022 10:23 PM by Disney.exe
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