
I swear I'll be getting a Laban post out today. Things are just starting ta ramp up on the college end. >.< Also, as a heads up, my schedule will be different this week. I have an orientation this Thursday for college that I am required ta attend as well as an event Friday for it as well (also required for some reason). No posts will likely be coming from me Thrusday but I may be able ta get some out Friday since it is an early morning event.
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I may wait to post Sansa after a Mort and Ciliren post since there won't be much for me to really post on since they're all just riding the wind essentially 😂😂

There's a very rushed Des post. I'm waiting on an Ellis post to post for Viscus. Iris has already been posted for. Mort'luath will be worked on. I'll post for Sperident Kata when I know who she's bonded with.

Kata would be paired with Eirian so Spells not paired with herself.

If my brain could work, I'd love ta finish this post. >.> Edit: Or I could, ya know, get stuck ta the point that it's 1am on the morning.... That works too. :/ Edited at August 21, 2024 12:06 AM by High Hills Pack
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My Posting Order Maximillian > Xuejiao Tsasanşuurga > Akuryō Yamishinigami > Eirian

Lemme know if I missed anything. I am quite tired at the moment so there's a chance I did. Guang will be my next post then Ellis. I will try and get them out before Monday (as that is apparently when classes start for me for some reason >.>).
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I'll do Esen tonight. As a heads up, we're moving on September 1st, so I don't know what my activity will look like a few days before and after that. I'll log on, but my replies might be slow getting out in between bringing in the boxes and baby-proofing it all ^^'

I'll be posting an update schedule later this week (maybe even after it). I'm still working through which classes I'm sticking with and which I'm dropping so not much is set in stone at the moment.
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That took forever. Sorry ^^' Koa's next; I think I skipped him last time on accident.