
I haven't gotten time to write for Anubis, since now I'm writing posts for another RP that I've been kind of neglecting. She should be out soon though! ^^

No problem Matunda ^^ It would just be great if we could all get out 2-3 posts a week - that way we can get into the fun and action ^^ <-- not directing this at you Matunda, I was meant to put this message earlier in the week haha
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Okay guys :P Just going to pop this here. Please let me know if you are still interested in continuing with this forum ^^ that way I can open it up to new people for the free spots. Or if anyone that wants to stay is willing to put in more characters to fill out the roster? Edited at August 23, 2024 04:54 AM by Urux
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Urux said: Okay guys :P Just going to pop this here. Please let me know if you are still interested in continuing with this forum ^^ that way I can open it up to new people for the free spots. Or if anyone that wants to stay is willing to put in more characters to fill out the roster?
Oh yes I'm still interested. So sorry I've not posted yet, I totally forgot about this! (I got distracted on a new cat game I bought. Don't tell anybody :P)



I'm debating this, let me know if you guys like this idea or not: We could continue on with the six we have and if I manage to find more people that are interested, I can write them in as we find them along the way and they couldn't manage to make it to the initial meeting for one reason or another. I'll figure out the details case by case, but do we like this?
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O-kay What I'm going to do is continue the RP with replies, anyone who hasn't replied by now will have to catch up in their posts. It's been two weeks and it's a little unfair to people who have been waiting for a fortnight.
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Urux said: O-kay What I'm going to do is continue the RP with replies, anyone who hasn't replied by now will have to catch up in their posts. It's been two weeks and it's a little unfair to people who have been waiting for a fortnight.
I think it just died- I'll try and have my post done soon. Edited at August 30, 2024 09:58 PM by Matunda

I will do my best to try and get one up tomorrow. But we'l see. I may be busy--
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