
Good day, I usually like to get these things ready prior to the start of a roleplay so: Sasha is open for workplace interactions and relationships (I'm not sure on anything romantic, but platonic is good). Their form already includes their viewpoints and relations with kitchen staff in case anyone from kitchen staff wishes to read up on them

Salem's up to being friends with basically anyone, so if you'd like they could be friends. any range from besties to new friends ^^ Space Man said: Good day, I usually like to get these things ready prior to the start of a roleplay so: Sasha is open for workplace interactions and relationships (I'm not sure on anything romantic, but platonic is good). Their form already includes their viewpoints and relations with kitchen staff in case anyone from kitchen staff wishes to read up on them
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Would you be willing to offer some more insight on his character ? As in, how he is as a person and how he is with others. More than the current three traits he has listed, if you don't mind

I'm honestly not gonna lie... I have never seen an insect character was a bit put off... although reading their sheet more, I fell in love with the character! I'm excited for Sebastian to interact with Sasha more. Space Man said: Good day, I usually like to get these things ready prior to the start of a roleplay so: Sasha is open for workplace interactions and relationships (I'm not sure on anything romantic, but platonic is good). Their form already includes their viewpoints and relations with kitchen staff in case anyone from kitchen staff wishes to read up on them

Would anyone be willing to be friends, Crush on my character, Azrael?

Out of curiosity how old are everyone's characters ? I noticed ages were not listed for the signup


Ages don't really need to be added, because Salem (in his original form) is a demon and his age is unknown so i didn't think to add it Obviously, he wouldn't be here but yknow Space Man said: Out of curiosity how old are everyone's characters ? I noticed ages were not listed for the signup
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I added in Sasha's age as well, just so it can be there. Seems Sebastian and them are similar in age, only a year apart. It'd make sense since they both have rather important roles in the kitchen. I like to see (or well know) the ages of characters. I find it plays a role in why they may act certain ways and how interactions between them all would work

I haven't used Salem yet for any roleplay so I can't really do more than the traits he has listed ^^" He's gonna develop as the rp goes on with other characters but in general he's responsible enough to run a hotel but likes to be playful and cheery when interacting with people
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