
Good. I am actually content and happy for the most part. I have been looking into new hobbies and retreading old ones. I've been trying to be more active and just giving life that little extra push. I feel motivated. ~ No homework is always good. School is such a bitch and a half at times, huh? ~ It's good that you are well. Wellness is a blessing. :)

Hooray for new hobbies! I hope you find lots of joy in them! School can be such a mental strain. I'm luckily two weeks ahead in two of my classes. :) The other 4, I'm on time with those. A little worried about them, but it'll be all good.

Mhm. I never thought I would give weight-lifting a try, but it isn't to bad if you pace your self and just take your time. I am also considering martial arts, but I am only really toying with the idea. Kind of a mental joke due to my brother being pretty skilled in boxing and wrestling, fighting isn't my cup of tea. Still, it would be funny to put him on his ass for once. xD ~ Well, school can be tough. I just graduated high school this year so I am free from cramming and worrying over everything. :D Though I don't doubt college is harder than high school. Happy that at least two classes are going wonderfully, and hope the others will eventually straighten themselves up.

Ooooh! Weight Lifting is fun! It's definitely something that you grow to like after a while. At least that's how it was for me. Originally I really didn't like it. Martial arts are actually so cool. I've never been able to do any of them due to other activities, but that's awesome that you're looking into it. I just graduated too <3 Freshmen year moment. That's so lucky, how does it feel to have so much time on your hands? Relieving? Or can you not find enough things to do.

Well, I just don't think I have it in me to want to do a combat sport. It's fun to watch, but really taxing to actually participate in. Also, I am to pretty to do such a thing! I am not getting my face punched, smashed into a mat, or anything with the potential for breaking my nose, causing large bruises, or lost teeth. xD ... Lol. In actuality, as fun as it can be at times, I am just not an aggressive person at heart. You need that fire to really get places in combat sports. It's a maybe. ~ Ha! Freshie. Good luck to you. ~ Having free time sucks, that's why I am just trying a bunch of new things out. I guess it's just helping me learn more about me. I felt empty for a while since I didn't really have any long term plans or goals aside from finish school. Just trying to get my thoughts straight, I guess. Edited at August 31, 2022 08:58 PM by King of Winter

Definitely Fair. I'd also be terrified of anything that caused damage to my face. It's just an overall sensitive place. Also true with the aggression, there's gotta be some sort of fight or I imagine there would only be losses. Thank you <3 I'm very nervous, but I'm sure it'll be fine. And that's definitely something good to know, what you like to do and all the stuff you can learn about yourself through new hobbies. Before College started, I felt the same way. Empty, like there was nothing to do. I didn't really fix that, Just kind of sat around until college started, but it's very good that you're finding new things. Hopefully some of them will stick around for a long long while. If you like them enough that is.

Lol. Wish I really did have confidence in my appearance, though I do love my hair. ~ Here's hoping these things are things I grow fond of.

So any idea when the RP will begin?

King of Winter said: So any idea when the RP will begin?
Question of the century

Lol. You can say that again. ~ I finished Little Vergil, though I am not entirely sold on his personality so it is subject to change. It's just hard, I never wrote a character so young before. I don't really know how kids act. Any suggestions? Edited at August 31, 2022 09:33 PM by King of Winter