
Imperial Sands said: Right. I feel bad because I have motivation for some of my other rps. But this one, I don't know. Sometimes I just mentally disconnect and it takes me a bit to get back. Like I don't know. :( I feel like a failure and I don't want anyone to hate me. Dearest Impish, we could never hate you. Please do not consider such a thing :( It's okay to not feel motivated, you're human - that's just what happens. If you'd like to pause the RP and eventually come back to it, or even just stop it, that is fine! <3 I think everyone's getting busy too, so that might be why you're feeling disconnected?

Imperial Sands said: Right. I feel bad because I have motivation for some of my other rps. But this one, I don't know. Sometimes I just mentally disconnect and it takes me a bit to get back. Like I don't know. :( I feel like a failure and I don't want anyone to hate me.
We won't hate you, Impasta. :D

Absolutely zero dislike for you, Imperial. We all get the lack of motivation feeling, and, honestly, I can't complain since I haven't been able to get a post up ^^" Speaking of which, I should be able to on Friday, or maybe Saturday if I end up zonked out at like 5pm when I get home Friday lol

As a heads up, my headspace has NOT been what it should be recently and I'm spending a lot of time doing things that are mindless and meditative, so I haven't been able to get on here except to talk in this thread :') I'm still into this RP, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of posting going on, so :(

Yeah I am really sad about this because the characters are super awesome and sadly this rp never gets as far as it deserves to either way, I hope your mental stuff improves and if you need to talk about it or be distracted by something else, i am here for you and so are the others!

I know, all these amazing writers and awesome characters and amazing potential for plot :( You guys mean so much to me, I really appreciate that! <3

I know right! The story is so intriguing and I love the juxtaposition of how lighthearted many of the characters are and the setting is compared to the darkness of what is happening around them and even under the surface like what was planned for Henry. Just so fucking cool! yeah anytime!!

I love this RP with all my heart.

I could probably get back into it. But I think I'd have to remove at least Pallas. My posts just might not be the best or super often.

Yeah, I can get a post up right now since I'm currently in an emotional remission XD Edit: Alas... there is nothing to reply to 😞 Edited at January 30, 2023 11:37 PM by Meian