
Hey y'all, I dunno if I can keep up with this...

That's sad to hear but it is understandable. Glad you could tell us!! Hopefully things get easier with everythin you have going on!

Thank you D_W, it's been great and I've enjoyed reading y'alls characters. If you want, someone can take over as Bagel or he can be lost. I don't mind him being played as someone else this once.

Oh that's a super thoughtful offer! Sadly, I doubt anyone could play Bagel with the same charm as you did but I am sure we can find someone to do it if you are okay with this! :D

You're sweet, thank you and I am.

Argos, No worries my dear <3 I completely understand. I appreciate you letting me know. | | I will probably go ahead and say that Desmodus and Juniper can be paired instead since Ostoria hasn't been posted for in a while and only once, and their Rper hasn't been active in discussion either.

Argos said: Hey y'all, I dunno if I can keep up with this...
We can slow down for you?

I promise Im still here y'all. Im just struggling to write for all of my characters right now for this Rp. ^^ Soon hopefully.

Since drama started, I've had a packed schedule, and I don't even have a job right now, which is stressing me out :') Gosh adulting isn't fun and I'm just getting into it 😭 . The point of this post is just that sometimes we need to put ourselves first, and, if that means being less active on WP, or even going on a hiatus, then that's just what one needs to do :) Edited at January 22, 2023 11:36 PM by Meian

Right. I feel bad because I have motivation for some of my other rps. But this one, I don't know. Sometimes I just mentally disconnect and it takes me a bit to get back. Like I don't know. :( I feel like a failure and I don't want anyone to hate me.