
I'm not feeling so well... I might have to take a break from RPing, sorry everyone. 😭

I will have Mircea out a bit later

If you need to take breaks from things, it's always good to listen to that instinct ^^ Fruit Lovers said: I'm not feeling so well... I might have to take a break from RPing, sorry everyone. 😭
And if you do end up pulling out, I can make a character to help fill the gap if needed

I shall work on Mircea *^*

Doesn't directly affect any of my characters, but I look forward to reading it *^*

I'm gonna have to put in a little post for Ian because I simply can't resist. Forgive my squad leader spam 😞


I will be working on my posts sometime today, just a few things I want to get done for other things before hand ^^

I love how I was feeling terrible yesterday and than got better just before my sister's birthday. T-T Why..? Now I have to go to a party or else everyone is gonna nag me... xD If Mystic doesn't post for Ostoria today, I'll make another post for Desmodus maybe tomorrow or much later today when my headache is fully gone, okay..? I feel bad for telling everyone I wasn't feeling good, just to get better the next day. I promise I wasn't trying to start drama. :0

Fruit, You're fine ^^ Don't even worry about it. We all feel crummy sometimes.