
Life's been a bit hectic for me personally. I am now homebound because I was diagnosed with Post Acute Covid Syndrome, PACS, which used to be known as long covid. It's a rough thing to be going through, so I'm not sure how active I'll be, as it is still unknown how long PACS lasts. Just thought you guys should know.

I hope you get to feeling better Lightning Chasers. I am currently having problems with both of my vehicles and have to drive in to the home office for most of the coming week. Just slight panic here about if I will have a vehicle or not.

Hmm. . .now I want Shadow to check out the peace convention thing xD. That would be quite interesting lol.
Maybe I'll just have him snoop around there >:3
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Lightning Chasers said: Life's been a bit hectic for me personally. I am now homebound because I was diagnosed with Post Acute Covid Syndrome, PACS, which used to be known as long covid. It's a rough thing to be going through, so I'm not sure how active I'll be, as it is still unknown how long PACS lasts. Just thought you guys should know.
I can't imagine how it's impacting your life right now, and although I'm not a religious person- I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for you! <33
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I am going to try and get replies up tomorrow. I have to drive in for work super early all week and have late nights. If no replies tomorrow, I have Friday off.

I'm going to make a side character here. . .let's see how well he gets along with the pack ;3
@Tynahi Form has been finished ^-^ Once you accept it, I'll put in a post for him and Shadow <3 Edited at May 19, 2022 11:24 PM by Fangsoffire
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Ah oops, that was much longer than I thought xD
Enjoy <3
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Hey, sorry I have been meaning to do writing. Just been a little mentally drained from work.

It's okay, I've just been popping in here and there. Summer's here <3 FrostyK said: Hey, sorry I have been meaning to do writing. Just been a little mentally drained from work.
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