
Salt Shaker Ok, I'm keep that in mind :)

Take your time! In the meantime, we can figure out our character's relationships between one another, and get a sense of direction for the plot ^^ rolliesuchus said: i really do apologize to you guys on my posting being sporadic currently on a new job and getting used to the scheduling sigh . hopefully ill get the roleplay itself up soon, id like the atleast hear from a few people and have them interact in the discussion so i know they are still participating yknow - pming those who havent said anything so far

I'm not gonna change Fenrys just yet because I don't entirely know how he'll react for noe. It might change slightly during the RP - I never actually built Fenrys for Alpha so I'm still a bit uncertain on him - but he should be more or less the same. . I don't know if I really should give Fenrys masaive opinions on everyone because that kinda defeats the Alpha purpouse. I suppose I'll write some brief ones but he won't feel as strongly about them... I see him as more detached, and he kinda has to be so for his personality to ring true. Ugh. I might do some brief ones but even though he may feel them he knows not to act on them as much. They may only surface very occassionally. Edited at July 30, 2024 10:11 PM by Boeing
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Same, there might be a few that's I'd go into detail about if I can come up with some interesting interactions for them and Zephr, but for the most part, I'll just be brief with what he thinks. It makes sense, since Ze is an overall unsocial wolf who just finds basically everyone annoying right now ^^'

Fenrys needs this detachment or else his personality won't be exact. Hm. I'm going to PM a couple of people just to check with them about some ideas.
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Okay. Very, very brief things I think Febrys would do. I'm sorry it's so short, but I'm on my phone and on the bus. My usual literacy stabdard is a lot higher than this... Mirelle - I will PM Tala - Fenrys ses her as the laid-back character she is. Maybe too much so... she is a beta, after all. However, she is rather popular amongst the pack - and he's fine with her being there and helping him in the more pointed end of things. Ross - Almost 0 opinion needed. Ross is the quiet and observant one and Fenrys is happy to just be his Alpha. Minerva - PM Blu - Fenrys sees Blu as a capable pack member. Not many issues with him with him, but just a capable pack member who is willing to do things for the greater good of the pack. Nyx - Nyx is very similar. Fenrys sees Blu and Nyx with their sibling relationship as one, almost - except Nyx is a lot more calmer and approachable. Okami - Occasionally frustrated with their 0 responses, he doesn't show it and projects his regular Alpha appearance on her. Trout - PM. Zephyr - PM.
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I imagine Rollie is just busy with IRL stuff. We all know how that can be D: She hasn't been on since the 31st.

Sooo... is this still going? I almost forgot about this ^^' Just wanted to check in. How's everyone? :)

The organizer went inactive. >.> I guess we're all waiting if they ever come back and revive this, I'd still be up for it if it was :)
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