
Do we perhaps want to determine a possible time range for when the official roleplay will be made? Edit: Another event idea! Doesn't have to be part of the events during the truce day, but perhaps some sort of leaderboard/game type thing keeping track of how many successful missions and/or how many kills one has? Obviously an idea from Jinxxe to attempt to piss off Mar, but she has to make it into a competition with everyone <3 Edited at June 3, 2024 01:57 PM by Nochnoy

I think if we're adding things to events like that it'd be more fun to play it out in the RP :3 Live action annoyance from Marlow I'll probably start it once I get all the members filled out from each family since it's a small RP already
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Gotcha, thank you loves :3

I may also start it early if not all roles are filled out but I have no more planning I can possibly do but just generally I'm waiting for everyone to be filled out.
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I think advertising is the best thing you can do atm. Hoping people get iinterested so you can get all roles filled

It's the only thing anyone can do ever There's already someone trying to get the underboss of the Vitale family I think, but they don't give enough detail and didn't read the rules ;-;
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I saw I don't think they changed a thing about it when you asked them to ._.

They changed a bit. What they had before on the likes and dislikes was the basic: 'Apples' 'Sunshine' 'Music' And what they changed was like: 'Apples because she had apples a lot as a child' 'Sunshine because she's an outdoor person' 'Music because she likes music' so basically nothing yeah 😭 They didn't pick up on me telling them they had to find the word I need in Other and extra proved they didn't read the rules when they quoted me lol
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Damn. Right over the head.

Yeah I was trying to skim earlier while reading.