
I'm really excited to see who Moth's pair is going to be and how they are going to get along, even though Moth doesn't really get along with anybody.

Nope, just us. More centered roleplays around just one group tend to do better. Moonlight wolf said: Are there any other packs? And who's going to play as them?

Got Cascade's personality done! She kinda wrote herself lol. I thought she'd be a lot different.

I wonder who Isla's pair is going to be. When do you think we should be ready to start?

Hehehe pairings in my hands. Though I will run them by Crazy to get second opinions. Just crazy not with your own wolf Cascade. Everyone's will be a surprise.

We need a good few more people, so I'm not sure. Moonlight wolf said: I wonder who Isla's pair is going to be. When do you think we should be ready to start?


We need a lot more male juveniles, there is not a lot of those

That's true. I would create a character but I only do max of 2 characters or I forget which one to use.

Im tempted to change Lycus to a Juvenile male but I'm not sure yet