
Caos's impressions of everyone Milost: caos is a bit skeptical of them, kinda nervous to be close to them. If milost is in the room caos will keep his distance of around 6 feet. Duvéssa: caos sees duvéssa as a loose cannon, and he kinda enjoys it. However he is kinda scared to colab with duvéssa because he thinks, he won't be able to keep things under control (well as under control as you can with being the god of chaos) Elk: caos thinks elk could use a chill pill when it comes to his kids, but other than that he just respects them. Riotl: he thinks she's pretty, and cool. Would gladly work with her, has wanted to give her a small gift he got from the mortals. Makes sure all his pranks on her are nicer than most. Vikona: wants to work with valance, Thinks she really amazing, but won't show it in bigger ways like Riotl, more like talking comfortably around her and not being so skittish around her. Also makes sure to play very harmless pranks on her Vaeos: can tell somethings off about Him, and is a little more tense because of it. Akiba: is quite fond of him, wants to be friends but is scared that he will screw it up. Tyres to play nice pranks on him, but the chicken jokes are far to tempting and There getting out of hand Edited at December 30, 2023 11:56 PM by Ghost of Satan past

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I'll try to get mine up in a few. Right now I'm changing Elk’s God form height to 7’3 since he's already small in his mortal form

Wow, now that you mentioned it, I didn't realize how tall the god forms are. Might give my dude a little boost, too. Also, Akib is up for affiliations and I will get his first impressions up some time today.

Vikona is neutral with everyone, except for Elk >.> She has beef with him

Game Moderator Darkseeker
” Vikona is the family pet “-Elk at the family dinner

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Elk's first impressions of each god. Duvéssa: Could....maybe...might enjoy her company. As long as she understands that wherever he goes, his 5-year-old goes. Elk tries to ignore the fact she doesn't like children--not every God claims their children, and that's understandable. Right now, his tolerance for her is 7/10. Could change. © Riotl: LOVES THEM! Actually, she's probably the reason he fell in love in the first place; although it never worked out and he lost his lover, he never blamed Riotl; he enjoys her company. Right now, his tolerance for her is at an 8/10. Could change. © Akib: Are you going to babysit or what, dude? Elk loves this guy; who doesn't? Elk's first impression was to hand his infant baby to the God so he could get some sleep. Elk probably trusts him with his children more than himself. Akib is the only God who could walk into his shrine and make himself home. Right now, his tolerance for him is 10/10. It could change, probably won't. ( Please babysit) © Vikona: This bitch. * eye roll*. Elk and Vikona are only family because her monstrously tall son trapped his daughter within his claws. Elk could learn to enjoy her company; they aren't that different, but the thought of liking her and admitting it. No, he's too stubborn to admit that to anyone. He'd rather go down burning alive. Secretively, it's nice to have someone to talk to about family and children...if Elk's honest and don't tell the family pet, but if he ever died or gave up trying--Vikona would be the first one to know about everything he's been hiding/feeling. And the one who would take care of Clara. Right now, his tolerance for her is 2/10.( Secretively 9/10) © Caos: Eh. Elk is all for the chaos trope, but it's a bit played out now; I mean, as an older ankle-biting God, Elk couldn't care about chaos. Right now, Caos is seen as more of a distant cousin. His tolerance for him is 4/10. Could change. © Vaeos: Could do better about the whole hope thing. Hope is something Elk lost years ago; I mean, they're chill. Right now, Elk doesn't know what to think of them; they're welcomed at Clara's demigod birthday party...so Elk's tolerance for them is at a 6/10. Could change. Edited at December 31, 2023 11:59 AM by Elk

Elk, ever since you mentioned goats I couldn't stop thinking about them so I drew a goat. Also you can have it if you want. , 

Game Moderator Darkseeker
OMG! Thank you <3333. They're so cute ;w;

Working on Vikona's first impressions. <3

Vikona's First Impressions ⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓☾∘∙•⋅⋅⋅•⋅⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅ Milost/Aurelius - She has no personal qualms with them, seeing him as neither an ally nor foe. Vikona enjoys the adventurous side of them and would tolerate their presence if they were to journey together in the mortal realm. She finds Milost admirable, as they would hold their ground despite not being a fighter. In her eye, they're a kitten who throws hissy fits and secretly finds it adorable. Duvéssa/Maeve - She views this goddess with neutrality, but she's cautious around her due to Duvéssa controlling insanity, with one of Vikona's fears is losing herself to bloodlust. Even though the other goddess's personality is not as favorable as others, Vikona has no issues with it. Hell. She's not a saint, so she's not one to judge. Elk/Gheke - She tolerates the others, but this one. Vikona perceives Elk as insufferable (not really) and won't hesitate to speak ill in front of his face without shame. Vikona is disgusted (a lie), annoyed (she finds him pleasant), and despises (she loves it) his mere existence. Their "conflict" all started when her son decided to woo Elk's daughter and became engaged. Many think they hate each other due to a personal vendetta that began 1000 years ago. In truth, the two don't want to see their babies grow up, so they take their feelings out on each other. Nonetheless, if anything happens to her or Elk's children, she won't hesitate to jump into the fray to protect them. Riotl/Morana - Once more, Vikona is neutral with this goddess, but her opinions towards the love goddess are higher than the others (but secretly lower than Elk's). With Riotl considered one of the weaker deities, Vikona would protect her if she were to ask for it, even though Riotl is intimidated by her. Other than that, she has no personal qualms with her. Vaesos/Zeno - Another deity Vikona has a slightly higher relationship with, but due to him keeping his distance, they're merely acquaintances. She knows Vaesos is intimidated by her presence and would avoid her, so she keeps her distance to not scare him further. However, she is glad that there's at least one "good" god amongst them to balance out the "bad" ones. Same as Riotl, she would defend him if he were in any danger he couldn't handle. Caos/Azriel - Once more, she's neutral about this deity, but she is a bit surprised that he willingly wants to work with her. She views his calmness around her as bizarre, but Vikona isn't one to question things. She does get pranked by him, yet Vikona is unbothered by it, as he's doing it to show affection - even though it can get annoying sometimes. Would she defend him? Well, it depends. Akiba/Ayam - Another one of the "good" deities she finds toleratable to be around, and she perceives his ability to calm one's nerves worthy, even though others may view it as weak. Whenever Akiba panics, Vikona isn't good at calming him down, but she would keep others away until he's alright enough to socialize again. He's one of the few she trusts along with her children (including Elk). As with Riotl and Vaesos, she'll keep him safe from harm, be it fellow deities or dangerous things.