
SPB, These two are the cure for everything for me. They're just too great together- 🥺. Ikaris trying his best to not tell Briar Elle's casually in town because one, he knows Briar would fight the bish- and two, he would out himself for going to the bar xD
When the movie is over and everyone kinda shuffles away, Ikaris would just accept his fate and stay on the couch with him or be a macho man and carry Briar back to his room and tucking him in because he's a goober like that.
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You know damn well Briar is gonna go fight her anyway. The two already got unresolved beef anyways. So he'd fight her not even about Ikaris ; but when he finds out she's still harassing Ikaris he's gonna be even more upset sksksks. I just know it's gonna end up in her being dragged by her mop head while Briar is yelling insults in Spanish and working her ass 😌👏🏽. Them having a fight at the bar 😙. YES . Carry the pretty boy to bed like the Disney Princess he is lmao Voxtexy said: SPB, These two are the cure for everything for me. They're just too great together- 🥺. Ikaris trying his best to not tell Briar Elle's casually in town because one, he knows Briar would fight the bish- and two, he would out himself for going to the bar xD
When the movie is over and everyone kinda shuffles away, Ikaris would just accept his fate and stay on the couch with him or be a macho man and carry Briar back to his room and tucking him in because he's a goober like that.

SPB, Yeah... there's no stopping Briar from beating her ass. She can get all bloodied up, I could care less xD. If I use this one post I'm working on (that may or may not be Ikaris' starter) then she'll be revealed pretty early on lmaoo. Ikaris would just be off to the side, not understanding one word coming from Briar but knowing that it ain't anything nice lol
Yesyes, pretty boy slays. Ikaris would feel bad if he left him on the couch- which is undoubtedly not as comfy as his bed.
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Yes- totally down for the Oliver plot (platonic or romantic)! I think that would be so cute! Def could be a friendship to lover trope ^^ So many different possibilities! I like the ideas you've laid out so far :) Written The Wolf said: Some random undefined stuff: Relationship between Ikaris and Yuchi-I think it would be nice maybe if they were to have a close friendship or sort of sibling bond, I do not see them as a couple (thou feel free to change my mind if you want), but it seems like we do have some jelaous beans within pack so so so what if Ikarus and Yuchi are close, even share mutual understanding of more traumatic parts of each other life, like he told her about his ex and feelings about it as transparently as possible, no pride clouding his words, and she told him about what/who hurt her (um this is mentioned in her sheet, but it is also stated that it is undefined and open for others to insert their OC in the story there. If no one pitches in I will make something up myself) and they have that mutual understanding of what is it like to believe and relay on someone only to get stabbed in back by those people. This leads them to both being pretty relaxed around each other and he likes to snuggle, she does too, but now is kind of afraid of being close to anyone like that though he is an exception she feels safe next to -in conclusion they have close sibling like bond and cuddle and like each others company-but they do not have feelings for each other, however, rest of the pack does not need to know that and some may mistake Yuchi as a romantic rival. Relation Briar and Yuchi-two bookworms and academics, it is a good match for pair of besties I say X3 maybe bit simplistic, but I think they have shared interests. She can be an extrovert that adopted his more introverted self-Ikarus could introduce them since I assume Alpha and at least one Beta will have close knit bond. Relation of Katerina and Yuchi-kind of unsure what to make of them, I do not see them fitting all too well though opposites attract so maybe? Although, honestly, I think it would be interesting if Alpha liked Yuchi and one of Betas disliked her-it creates clash of interest so some sparks of drama may fly here or there. But let me know what you think about it :3 And lastly relationship Oliver x Yuchi-yes, we could make a romantic pairing (or not) though I'd maybe play out her at least having bit of a passing crush on him. It could be interesting point of tension if someone from pack is overprotective over Yuchi when she expresses too much interest in unknown werewolf stranger (the fact that he is werewolf could be hidden at first so Ikarus can get flashbacks of how bad getting romantically involved with a human can be ;3). Though I think she could be how he gets introduced to others in relatively peaceful way since she likes making friends. Or you could have some big reveal where he is mistaken for spy and taken in by Katerina, just throwing some ideas into table XD

Ahh im excited to be here ^^ I should have Tripp finished tonight. But both are pretty open.

Proposition idea for relation Scarlet Penelope Bloom and Ash: Would you like to have some background for two of them? At first they look pretty different, but I'd say they share some core values like loyality and honesty. Ash is born-vampire so she won't have any second thoughts about her origins or longing for previous life, no problem adapting since she has been raised by vampires. It might be useful to know how Scar came to be and if those previously mentioned issues will apply to her. Ash is tight-knit with her folks, she is not from around here so her family lives elsewhere, on the other hand she likes to seek thrill of adventure so she is away often though she keeps in touch with them :3 From what I've gathered from Scar's sheet I'd say her family situation is the opposite, I assume she cut all ties with them and that probably are not looking for ways to get her back (or do they?). So if that's the case and if Ash and Scar knew each other for a while then Scar could be in a way adopted by Ash's family? Though her family values blood purity so thier friendliness could depend on whether she's born as vampire or not-they do not hate those who are not pure, but they do see them as lower life forms and disposable meanwhile they strongly support any family that has strong bloodline. So if she is former human they will be kind to her solely because she is friend's with their daughter. Ash plays in a band as her side hustle, wanna join XD? She could also sometimes play country for Scar since she knows she likes horses.

Also since I now have vampire character that is a part of coven, um, do we have some kind of explanation for why vampires returned or arrived here?

It's not really about them returning or randomly showing up. They just haven't had altercations with werewolves in years. Think of it as them blending in. They haven't made headlines. They've been basically keeping to themselves to avoid the risk of starting some kind of war with the wolves.
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The last generation to even see a vampire was the one before the current pack members. The vampires just kinda fell off the face of the earth and the previous pack members all thought that they finally fled the the area. You may ask "well how did they feed on humans without alerting the wolves??" I think it's reasonable to say that they've been around long enough to know how to feed without leaving obvious signs.
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