
Valorous said: Luna, Maybe there's some kind of secret society of adults in the outside world working to try and get the kids the chance to escape. Perhaps one of these people, or a few, infiltrate the guards or scientists to also aid the kids in getting out. From there, they could be given directions to a safe haven or something, and so it turns into more of a quest I guess for all the kids to reach this safe haven, all the while evading the scientists or whatever after them. It's just a thought, I don't know if I like my ideas though. That sounds quiet mysterious honestly. I personally think it sounds like a great idea, because not all adults would want to give their children up and want others to have a chance in the world. This could be interesting if several others think so as well. I do agree with Forerunner though.
I've also been thinking about if I should make the kids time a bit longer since the others have much longer periods in the "freedom zone". Edited at August 29, 2022 11:50 PM by River-Luna

River-Luna said: I'm running low on plots ... A wee-bit of slice of life? It could flesh out the world within the facility, seeing as we can see how the scientists interact with the experiments, as well as explore the facility a bit. ~ A failed escape attempt? It could be a fun way to showcase powers, while presenting why the scientist are capable of holding these individuals in custody. Builds up our foes to make the eventual escape even sweeter. ~ The idea with the Powered Individuals infiltrating the Lab could be cool. ~ The escape, obviously. ~ Maybe a traitor? Someone who either purposely works with the Lab or is forced to somehow? Haven't fully considered this idea. ~ A few scenes of our characters on the run after their great escape. maybe spend some time lost in the woods? maybe they find a town? who knows? ~ An encounter with free powered individuals? Maybe it could be a nice perspective sharing moment between both groups? Maybe they have a whole hidden society? Who knows? ~ Maybe something wacky. can animals potentially gain powers too? if that's possible, imagine the group having to fight like a bear or something capable of shooting lasers or the group could meet an intelligent, speaking dog. ~ Vigilantism is always fun. Maybe if they find a town or city at some point, they do a good deed or two. ~ More slice of life? Explore the outside world. ~ Maybe a character could reunite with their family? How would that effect things, especially given their history? Were they taken or did the family hand them over? How would this new angst effect the group? ~ A setting change? Maybe someone gets found out and the group has to flee again? How would this effect everyone? Surely some wouldn't want to leave, they might have gotten their lives afloat. ~ Just a few ideas. Edited at August 30, 2022 01:41 PM by King of Winter

King of Winter I like the first two a lot! Exploring the whims of the facility and the life aspect inside. As well as a failed escape attempt! I think showcasing their powers would be really cool.

King of Winter, Personally, I love all of those ideas. If we pace ourselves, why not eventually do all, or at least most of them? Starting out with a bit of slice of life I think will be fun so we can break into our characters, setting, etc. The failed escape attempt of course will be interesting. The idea of a traitor -willing or not- is a fun one to entertain as well. And then eventually the escape and all of that fun stuff will come later as we progress.

I agree with Valorous although we may not be able to do all of them but at least try. Also, animals with powers as well. That sounds interesting and could certainly create and interesting part of the story. This rp should be very interesting! ^^

I agree with Valorous although we may not be able to do all of them but at least try. Also, animals with powers as well. That sounds interesting and could certainly create and interesting part of the story. This rp should be very interesting! ^^

Val yes yes YES! Not saying we have to do it right now, but maybe as a group pick out favorite ones? Luna Thx so much for making this. I've been so excited to get back into roleplaying and this one is going to be so fun!!

If we're doing animals with powers, I would love to see an old, mangy, one-eyed cat that talks. It has to have an accent of some sort -perhaps it's a saucy Frenchmen- and it must be a bitterly firm believer that it's on it's ninth life, and cannot wait to pass over. This isn't necessary of course, but if wacky is the goal, then this is my desire lol. Back to the point... I'm just as excited for this rp, and I have no doubts that it will be anything less than interesting. How could it be anything less when we have a child that can summon Bowser after all? XD

I just wanted it to stand out from a lot of other, Kids with Powers trapped in Evil Facility RPs. xD so much violence, so much angst, so much brooding! Then again... The kid who can summon Bowser has the ability through the "Power of Emo", as I so lovingly consider it. ~ ANYHOW! How is everyone? Edited at August 31, 2022 05:58 AM by King of Winter

King of Winter said: I just wanted it to stand out from a lot of other, Kids with Powers trapped in Evil Facility RPs. xD so much violence, so much angst, so much brooding! Then again... The kid who can summon Bowser has the ability through the "Power of Emo", as I so lovingly consider it. ~ ANYHOW! How is everyone?
I'm very well!! I don't have any homework tonight so, that's fun. What about you?