
I'm just not sure what to do at the moment, ahah. I could definitely wait a little longer to see if anyone else posts. I don't wanna do a timeskip if no one wants it <33
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True. Sorry, if my other post had a rude connotation. Was replying quick while I had down time.

Hello hello everyone, popping in to say hi and introduce myself and my new lad, Tomas. Romance is off the table for him, but he's open for other friendships/relationships! Just shoot me a pm or we can discuss in the thread here.
It's a little weird coming in mid-way, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the rp and plot moves forward with the reboot! So the latest is that the *~mystery beast~* killed a pack member? I'd be down for a timeskip so I can post fresh without interrupting anything, but I'm very flexible!

a timeskip has been announced on the roleplay thread! <33
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Yay for timeskip lol, I'll get my characters in there again tonight :D
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Grayson will make an appearance in a little bit.

Hey y'all, just wanted to post a heads up that I have a couple of major assignments due this week, so I may be a bit slow with replies, but I will try my best to write up a post asap!
See y'all on the other side of assignment-land.

Okay. Good luck Quadropheniac!

