
Keeping Up With The Gods XD Honestly, he should be the God of Love, Pleasure, and Beauty yet is the most asexual dude you will encounter Overthink101 said: Sulien Haul Conleth, that's who lmao Cereal said: Pfft- Suli who 🤭 Overthink101 said: Bro is going to have to fight Sulien for that title >:/ Cereal said: --- Credits to Lan Lan Lan Jin @ neka.cc --- Another one of my boy, the God of the Sun >:)


@Ceres To make sure I read that right- Sulien is the Sun God and your dude is the most asexual bro ever that's the God of Love, Pleasure, and Beauty?

Yup Overthink101 said: @Ceres To make sure I read that right- Sulien is the Sun God and your dude is the most asexual bro ever that's the God of Love, Pleasure, and Beauty?

Also I don't know if I ever showed y'all my boy Jackal but enjoy

I counter with Credits to Lan Lan Lan Jin @ neka.cc

Credits to December @ neka.cc Him and his twin brother/rival

One thing I hate about piccrew and other sites like it. Is the skin tone selection. Trying to make art of Kiran is hard as fuck there are never any dark skin tones

man I wanna make a harem member but I don't know what gender or personality to make them :/

everyone has been so quiet recently. is everyone doing okay or are you guys busy with the holidays?