
No worries. Mine died in 2020 so I've been through that as well

Oh well I guess everyone goes through losing a loved one at one point in their lives😔

I feel the need to express my utter adoration for Bryn. He must be wrapped in bubble wrap and protected at all costs.


Nirvana, I don't know what to say. I hope that this post will help, however.

Rising, thank you, Bryn is going to need it very soon in the future --- Hi Charlie! Just curious, how many weeks /days/ months is Emma pregnant? This is mainly because Avalon keeps on fussing on how there is no one expecting/ has any pups and I'd like to know if this is a recent developement or it's been here for a while and Avalon just forgot.

Nevermind Charlie! I just read your post. If she's showing then she's due in about about 4 weeks.

I am gonna post for Sky sometime today. And I am posting for Breeze, which will be her having dreams and nightmares etc. So obviously you don't have to respond lol.

Alright well I will post sometime tonight

Why are You being mean to breeze