
Nevermore! Sorry it took me a minute to circle around to you ahah, but what would Mejer's thoughts on Cresil be?? :0 For Cresil, I see him preying on Mejer's inner turmoil, being more attuned to sensing the kind of discontent Mejer seems to be in and weaponizing that knowledge for various selfish/chaotic purposes and means.

All good! I'm just lurking xD . Mejer has mixed feelings about Cresil. On one hand he wants to respect how Cresil runs things. The authority that he has. In Mejers eyes, he's badass. But he also tends to butt heads with most around, and Cresil is no exception. The authority that Mejer sees is a huge problem to him, but in the future, I can see Mejer getting buddy buddy with him at some point.
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Nevermore- Like with Cresil lol, I want to maybe explore some concepts with you about Amias and Mejer if you're up for it? My initial thought is that Amias has a quite literal love-hate relationship with Mejer. The saying that "grief is just love with nowhere to go" popped into my mind. Maybe Amias holds respect for Mejer, but at the same time despises the fact that death creates such a turmoil and heartbreak in the souls of people who love?

I made some little blurbs for some of Shiloh's affilations. I'm starting to get really excited to use Shiloh. Someone started drawing Shiloh and I'm excited to see how it turns out. She's on a couch with glasses doing therapist things XD

Edited at July 22, 2024 10:44 PM by Caribou Creek

Screaming XD I love that Sir Froggington said: I made some little blurbs for some of Shiloh's affilations. I'm starting to get really excited to use Shiloh. Someone started drawing Shiloh and I'm excited to see how it turns out. She's on a couch with glasses doing therapist things XD

Caribou Creek said: Nevermore- Like with Cresil lol, I want to maybe explore some concepts with you about Amias and Mejer if you're up for it? My initial thought is that Amias has a quite literal love-hate relationship with Mejer. The saying that "grief is just love with nowhere to go" popped into my mind. Maybe Amias holds respect for Mejer, but at the same time despises the fact that death creates such a turmoil and heartbreak in the souls of people who love?
I love that quote! Mejer doesn't quite understand the dislike that Amias holds for his job, and such as Amias, he doesn't understand just why a mortal would be so sad over losing someone (or something) that is in such pain. In his mind, how could you watch someone wither away with old age and not miss the person they used to be? He can't wrap his mind around Amias job but he does his best to nod along when Amias is around. "Loving someone is knowing when it's time to let them fly."
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Nevermore - Mejer seeing Cresil as badass? What an honor that will only inflate his ego, he must never know for the sake of all things good lmao XD. I can definitely see authority being thrown around, because Cresil is hardly averse to stepping on toes and pushing boundaries with literally everyone. It would be cool to see Mejer try to buddy up to Cresil, who is only capable of being a very toxic friend at best lol. Froggington - Heck yeah to Shiloh being drawn in all of her glory <3 We love a good therapist at work!

Expanding a bit on Lyra's relations to the other deities; So @Nevermore, I know we talked in dms about Lyra's relationship with Mejer, and their..complicated past. Do you think that would come into play later? or perhaps rekindle?? Just trying to figure out how I want to use it in the rp ^^ . @Mercenary, Yeah I can see that. I feel like that's likely a reason she respects him so much, even considering s sort of confidant, to an extent. She sees him as an equal, despite her aversion to war she doesn't hold that against him. After all, she understands that even war is a part of the grand cycle. . @Edling, lol I can definitely see that, tho I can also see her avoiding him when she can. Considering he's probably one of the few people/things that can actually drive her to anger, but he likely is the only person able to bring her to tears, which isn't exactly an easy feat. Considering her gentle nature, Lyra surprisingly isn't easy to make cry. . @Creek, I can see Lyra treating Amias as an equal, often offering gentle guidance when she sees him struggling. She likely holds a lot of trust for him, even putting confidence in him to play his role well, even when he doesn't believe in himself. . @Froggington, I sent you a dm in case you'd rather work out the relation between Lyra and Amias there, I didn't get a response here so that's what I figured haha