
Does Lionel want a misguided older litter brother

Who would kovits father be? Calistio?

Who would kovits father be? Calistio? oh god it posted twice sorry Im also wondering if the king is off limits from the rest of the pride because realistically speaking only the females would be off limits to other males of the pride and the main lion is the one who breeds with all of the females. I guess im just wondering if in this rp the king and the queen only breed with eachother lol Edited at January 7, 2024 08:26 PM by Noricai

What do you mean misguided? Squeky said: Does Lionel want a misguided older litter brother
Edited at January 7, 2024 08:20 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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I think we are just about ready to start! We only need a few more (about 1 or 2) pride males and maybe 1 more pride lioness and we should be good to start! i'll notify everyone here when the thread is up

_Moonshadow_ said: I think we are just about ready to start! We only need a few more (about 1 or 2) pride males and maybe 1 more pride lioness and we should be good to start! i'll notify everyone here when the thread is up
Yay! :D

_Moonshadow_ said: I think we are just about ready to start! We only need a few more (about 1 or 2) pride males and maybe 1 more pride lioness and we should be good to start! i'll notify everyone here when the thread is up
I can't wait! Though I still need parents for Zefira. Does anyone need any cubs?


Noricai said: Who would kovits father be? Calistio?
I feel like his father would be Calisto, yes, unless we want to add a bit of...drama? I could as an owner for a rouge if their character would like to have been the sire *-* But whatever is fine!

Yes the King and Queen will only have cubs with each other, just to keep things more simple Noricai said: Who would kovits father be? Calistio? oh god it posted twice sorry Im also wondering if the king is off limits from the rest of the pride because realistically speaking only the females would be off limits to other males of the pride and the main lion is the one who breeds with all of the females. I guess im just wondering if in this rp the king and the queen only breed with eachother lol