
Are you aloud to have 1 major role in both fox and wolf pack? Which I guess means 2.

Mist Fall Wolves said: Are you aloud to have 1 major role in both fox and wolf pack? Which I guess means 2.
yep! Your are now allowed 2 major roles they just can not be mates I will update the rules later I am just really tired and it's late for me

My Character, Dakota (wolf/beta), is up for siblings and friends. ^^ Just to clarify, Griffin, I'd made another wolf in the same form as Dakota's (beta). Is she accepted? I just wasn't sure if you had seen her. I may also create a fox character tonight. :)

Midnight Wolves I have seen her I just haven't accepted her due to the personality still being a WIP but I have seen her :D

I would make a fox character but I'm lacking motivation. Sorry Moon.

Griffin, I got her personality up now! I guess I got sidetracked and forgot. Now she should be good. :)

Sorry for late replys Mist Fall Wolves said: I would make a fox character but I'm lacking motivation. Sorry Moon.
That is fine only make as many as you can handle ... The Midnight Wolves said: Griffin, I got her personality up now! I guess I got sidetracked and forgot. Now she should be good. :)


Who is still wanting to do this becuase if not please say so I am making all rps that are able to be made soon so please comment yes I am staying or no I am leaving thank you

I wish to stay :3 IF that is all good