
Firefox, I look forward to seeing Kenzington again! :D Fore, Of course! <3 ~ Alright, I got Addie's up! It's short, but I didn't want to drown everyone in filler, you know? Ambrose's is coming next though ;)

Can't wait to read them :D I'm gonna head to bed after I read Addie's and then I'll read everyone else's in the morning if there is more

Andddd scene! Ambrose's is longer, but narcissists have a lot to say, so...

Rawr. That post was stinky. I'll fix it laterrrrrr.

I love both your posts :O I need to get one out for Kenzington later tonight

Gonna start on Kenzingtons post now! ^^

Firefox, :D Looking forward to it! Fore, I liked it :0 If you do fix it up or make any changes let me know so I can reread it, but I thought it was lovely as is. Edited at September 14, 2022 10:11 PM by Valorous

I started- but it sounds bad so far- this may take a bit longer than I expected, I need a way to add detail and make it sound good-

Take your time of course, there's no rush. Writing is an art, not a race. Is it detail in terms of word choice or flow (or both) you're struggling with? Or something else? You can feel free to talk it out here or PM me if you'd like too, and I'll do my best to help if that's what you want. <3

Okay after a long while of thinking I managed to finish it- it's not my best writing but it will do lol and also thank you for the offer <3 Edited at September 14, 2022 11:08 PM by Firefox