
Thank you, I'm still not sure about either though, but it's not like I need a concrete idea right now for a third ability. ~ Oh, really? Well then I just might wait another day before I do the twins anyway, I was just trying to give everyone a chance to wiggle in a second post before I did Addie and Ambrose's lol.

I'll probably get my next post out tomorrow, I feel bad not waiting, but I also don't want this to die. We'll just make sure to not do super big plot points until everyone pops in. :)

Yeah... I'm just going to do the twins tomorrow. I feel a bit guilty as well, but same, I really want this RP to live, and as you said we can just avoid bigger plot moments until the others are able to post.^^


Shit, I forgot to do mine yesterday. Fore, if you want to do Ollie first and ninja in a reply today, be my guest. I probably won't have mine ready anyway until very late tonight.

Val Feel free to go ahead and do your post, no matter how late it will be :) I"m currently very frustrated, and honestly shouldn't be on WPG because I'm distracting myself. I don't think I'll have mine out tonight. Tomorrow night probs though. I just need to finish all of my silly work and then I'm home free.

Fore Alrighty, late night posts for me it is then! I'm sorry about your frustration, but I'll send good vibes your way ;)

Okay can't wait for you guys posts! I'll post Kenzington after you guys and maybe a couple others post again

I'm just waiting for more people to go outside

Val Thank you dear <3 I appreciate it.