
Pffft! I am sure you can find a nickname for me at some point, Fee-Fee!! Argos! Augustus is so mean but I love him so much!!

Heya peeps!! I'm finally free from school, so I can finally be more active haha. I'm out of town right now, but when I get back tomorrow I'll get caught up and write :3 Also, for the record, all y'all's writing is amazing and I honestly look forward to reading everyone's posts!!!

Awww thank you!! Get home soon and safely Lostie!

wasn't sure how to describe most of everything but we got another post out so :)

Yayyy another Cassian post! Diamond will absolutely totally definitely not tease him about falling asleep.

Excellent posts, you two :) They've only just arrived at the tavern and already so much excitement.

Alright, I'm excited! Depending on when Legends gets out a post, I'll probably have one out tomorrow too~

Hey how's everyone going?? No one has said anything in a while so I hope you guys are okay!

Hi!! I'm doing well! How about you?

I am doing okay!! Just hoping this doesn't die because I really love these characters....