
Firefox, For Kenzie's ability I could always throw a few ideas out for restrictions if you'd like. I feel like as long as there's a balance to strengths and weaknesses then you don't have to worry about it being OP. As for the music, that's awesome to hear! Good to know I'm not the odd one out there lol. Oh, I gotcha. My characters playlists have theme songs, music that relates to their personality/experiences, and music I would imagine they listen to. Gotta have vibes XD.

Yeah I'd like that! I'm probably gonna add it and then maybe give her a third power if I feel like it.

Okay, here's a few ideas then: One; she can use others abilities, but when she wields it, the ability is much weaker/less potent than if the original user were to be using it (since it takes time to master abilities completely anyway) Two; absorbing too much energy from others, primarily experiments, results in ability failure, or a snap of uncontrollable energy that primarily hurts Kenzie and anyone in a 10-20 foot radius. I could list more, but I'm lazy lol. Do with those as you will, and by that I mean shape the weaknesses into any way you desire. Yeah, I was rethinking giving Deacon a third power, because yes. Alas, I have no ideas as to what I think would be fitting for him yet XD

Alright thank you! Now to come with a third power that's less powerful and doesn't do much XD possibly

Okay I feel like I found a possibly good power. I would give Kenzington the ability to manipulate the weather but she actually can't choose how the weather is and it entirely depend on her mood/emotions at the time. So say she's feeling sad and upset the weather would probably change to a thunderstorm or something rainy. If she's feeling particularly happy the weather would be sunny. If she's feeling angry she could make like lighting happen or strong windstorms appear. The ability itself would be highly unpredictable because like I said it depends on her mood I think if I do give her this power then it will come while they are in the freedom zone and she gets upset or something and accidently changes the weather. So it will be brought on as her most recent power

Sadness... spent 20 minutes trying to find an ability for Deacon and ended up making 3 appearance collages for all my characters instead XD. Damn ADHD. ~ Ahem, back to the point... Ooo, I like that. Weather manipulation based on emotion is interesting, and quite cool actually. I would be excited to see which mood allows her to discover this ability in the freedom zone as well lol.

Oof XD have you found anything yet?

Yesss, I did! Kind of~ I have two ideas, one of which requires a lot of description and working out the kinks, and one that's just pretty neat. -Alternate Reality Creation (psychically and/or physically) This one requires the most work because it's pretty complex, and I'm not sure if I want to dedicate the work required to make it suitable for Deacon to use. -3rd person projection/self-puppeteering; kind of like astral projection, but instead Deacon can "cast" his consciousness outward as if having an out of body experience, while his body is still under his control (like a robot). During this time, he would not feel pain (until he is consciously back in his body), his body will have faster reaction time, and he's able to view a short distance around his body so he can better direct his body. These are just summaries, of course in depth stuff will go in later, but that's all I've got for now XD. Edited at September 11, 2022 03:11 AM by Valorous

Those both sound pretty interesting!

I just noticed that winter hasn't been on for like 5 days ;-;