
Suya won't admit it but he's damn well a big cuddler. And like wearing his boyfriends bigger hoodies and jackets. And Suya definitely would slap a bitch for touching his hair without permission, without hesitation.

if he gets throat punched once, Brosc will get the memo and try to ask beforehand to see if Jayco is okay with it Cereal said: I feel like Jayco gets irritated if someone touches his hair and would throat punch them. However, he'll tolerate those he's close with to touch his hair

Jayco has trust issues when it comes to his hair. He doesn't mind if someone was twirling it or wrapping it around their fingers. Pulling or tugging his hair in anyway would set him off. XD The first time he got his hair braided was a painful moment for him

if Brosc was just twirling with his hair a bit, would he get attacked or is that acceptable? Cereal said: Jayco has trust issues when it comes to his hair. He doesn't mind if someone was twirling it or wrapping it around their fingers. Pulling or tugging his hair in anyway would set him off. XD The first time he got his hair braided was a painful moment for him

Acceptable, begrudgingly Determined_Wolf said: if Brosc was just twirling with his hair a bit, would he get attacked or is that acceptable? Cereal said: Jayco has trust issues when it comes to his hair. He doesn't mind if someone was twirling it or wrapping it around their fingers. Pulling or tugging his hair in anyway would set him off. XD The first time he got his hair braided was a painful moment for him

wait I just realized that Brosc met Suya and immediately thought, "hey I should invite him to watch an illegal sport with me" and Sayu just accepts Spellbound said: Suya won't admit it but he's damn well a big cuddler. And like wearing his boyfriends bigger hoodies and jackets. And Suya definitely would slap a bitch for touching his hair without permission, without hesitation.

Ha- I mean, fair. If I got randomly invited to watch an illegal street race I would probably accept lmao but shhhhh - Garvin is a huge physical contact type of guy, whether this is because he's touch starved or just because he's a hands on learner remains to be seen. He's got some touch aversion like Jayco too, but nothing too extreme. Just don't like, punch him or confine him too much and everything should be fine. Not like Garvin attacks people anyways, he'll just be tense and use humor to deflect.

Brosc being a bad boy and convincing others to do illegal things for fun would Garvin express his discomfort? Brosc tends to not be aware of others' boundaries because he is used to people breaking all of his boundaries and does not fully understand romantic relationships

Honestly? Garvin probably wouldn't, other than tensing up for like- A split second. Then he would just make jokes. Deflect and deny is literally how he survives. - And no worries- Garvin doesn't really understand boundaries either. No one ever taught him them and they tend to get broken fairly often in his 'upbringing'. Having boundaries in general in his 'upbringing' was basically a death sentence. He also doesn't understand what an exclusive relationship(or just in general) is so... Yeah, I see this causing no problems ever. Determined_Wolf said: Brosc being a bad boy and convincing others to do illegal things for fun would Garvin express his discomfort? Brosc tends to not be aware of others' boundaries because he is used to people breaking all of his boundaries and does not fully understand romantic relationships

Well this is a recipe for disaster and uncomfortability for both these boys with not-so-great upbringings that absolutely shaped them as people Overthink101 said: Honestly? Garvin probably wouldn't, other than tensing up for like- A split second. Then he would just make jokes. Deflect and deny is literally how he survives. - And no worries- Garvin doesn't really understand boundaries either. No one ever taught him them and they tend to get broken fairly often in his 'upbringing'. Having boundaries in general in his 'upbringing' was basically a death sentence. He also doesn't understand what an exclusive relationship(or just in general) is so... Yeah, I see this causing no problems ever. Determined_Wolf said: Brosc being a bad boy and convincing others to do illegal things for fun would Garvin express his discomfort? Brosc tends to not be aware of others' boundaries because he is used to people breaking all of his boundaries and does not fully understand romantic relationships