
I'm so excited for everyone else's posts XD I feel like I'm slightly impatient because i keep checking the thread every 10 minutes. But uh this is like the most intrigued I've been with a roleplay so far

FireFox Whenever I get a mail Icon, i immediately check here.

Wait the freedom zone is actually outside? I always assumed it was inside and had like artificial grass and things to make it look like it's outside.

I never thought to subscribe:o

Yup! I wanted them to at least get a bit a freedom rather than being trapped inside their lives. They are human after all and do need Vitamin C from the sun. I think it is much more open as well instead of being stuffed up inside all the time. ^^

Ohh I just read in the sign up form also. Lol I do have a question though- like if Kenzington can turn into a bird of some type then can't she just fly away or is their like a roof on the freedom zone or something that prevents that- and can't kids climb the trees to escape?

There is a sort of roof. It is mostly netting but held up by metal poles, fencing and a few other things, though leaving spots where weather can come through, like the rain. Climbing trees, good question. The trees are usually a certain pine tree; Dwarf Swiss Mountain Pines. They don't grow too tall to out grow the "roof" but are large enough to provide shade. There are several of these around but a few trees may also be other mini or dwarf trees.

Alright! Thanks for the clarification

No problem! I'm always glad to help.

Okay so I like kinda have an idea to alter Kenzingtons secondary power. Like instead of just stunning someone when she touches them she absorbs their energy. And like the longer she would touch them the more energy she absorbs. And like if she touches an expirement for a while she can absorb some of their power. I dunno it's proper OP so it wouldn't work. I'd have to come up with some random restrictions Edited at September 11, 2022 12:44 AM by Firefox