
saratank said: Apple, while I'm in and out of service, can you send me a list of people who haven't posted yet so I can message them? (I know Flying is one, but we know why on that)
Sure thing

Amara can use her Luna voice!

Awww snappp things gonna get interesting

IDEA~ What if they waited until Midnight on Amara's birthday, she is forced to break up the fight by shifting for the first time!


Oh yes I love that idea!!! Also I think I'm done I'd it good if not I can just have her walk off.

Especially since her birthday is only a few days away from the ceremony, and most of the guests would be curious to see if she is their mate.

AppleBottomJeans said: saratank said: Hmmm. I can see Chandler trying to talk to Amara either before or after the ceremony, Killian being protective of his Luna since he's already been pissed at Neo for it, and Killian get pissy with Chandler? (Also, in and out of service for another hour or so. And then off and on until Sunday to see family)
Bro. A two on one, Celestial and Killian v.s. Chandler. And then like Anthony or Amara put an end to it
That would be good and then put it on midnight of Amara's Bday

I'm to active on the weekends at night through fricking 6a.m. For my own good TvT

I try to be active on this account as much as I can, despite being busy on most days.