Welcome!! atm we're planning out relationships between dogs as well as potential drama The Local Southerner said: Hello everyone! Arthur (My dog) has joined the discussion!
The Local Southerner said: Hello everyone! Arthur (My dog) has joined the discussion!
The Song of Achilles said: Welcome!! atm we're planning out relationships between dogs as well as potential drama Thanks. And can someone please catch me up on what y´all are planning?
Arthur has no friends lol. Maybe he is just lonely. But I have a feeling he´d be annoyed with other dogs all the time. And maybe considers himself to busy to make friends.
The Local Southerner said: Thanks. And can someone please catch me up on what y´all are planning? atm it's just rivalries and friendships, scoping out each other's personalities n stuff to see who would make a good fit. My dog, Morpheus, is also quite antisocial and aloof, so its alright if you're not keen on making friends :) For Morpheus, I'm mostly setting up people that are gonna annoy him lol
Arthur is also antisocial and serious but deep down he cares lol. He doesn´t like when other dogs annoy him lol
Sol is just the most casual of dogs, Estelle is very sweet, calm and mature, Quilo is more active, And Banshee is very competitive and hard to not butt heads with.
Estelle is Nero's emotional support dog XD he's probaby going to annoy a lot of the other dogs but he just cares about them all lol
I can't remember- was it Morpheus who was going to be Sol's buddy?
Arthur would be the one to stick by himself and doesn´t like to carry extra weight. Meaning extra dogs.