
Celestial is now pissed *v*

Charlie, I just had an idea. He goes on a tour of the land and someone follows him and attacks him...

Oh it can be Star Celestial's wolf since they both are pretty pissed you will now why after you read my post Edited at March 25, 2022 08:27 PM by Charlie

Honestly that's not enough for me to make a reply off of, sorry


More details. It doesn't really say why she's mad, just that she is

Hmmm. I can see Chandler trying to talk to Amara either before or after the ceremony, Killian being protective of his Luna since he's already been pissed at Neo for it, and Killian get pissy with Chandler? (Also, in and out of service for another hour or so. And then off and on until Sunday to see family)

Alright that is fine also Apple I will put more detail :)

Apple, while I'm in and out of service, can you send me a list of people who haven't posted yet so I can message them? (I know Flying is one, but we know why on that)

saratank said: Hmmm. I can see Chandler trying to talk to Amara either before or after the ceremony, Killian being protective of his Luna since he's already been pissed at Neo for it, and Killian get pissy with Chandler? (Also, in and out of service for another hour or so. And then off and on until Sunday to see family)
Bro. A two on one, Celestial and Killian v.s. Chandler. And then like Anthony or Amara put an end to it